Scotts Custom & Collision LLC
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts,
Body ShopsHours:
817 Polk St, Dexter IA 50070 Hours
About Scotts Custom & Collision LLC
Auto body repair for your driving or parking mishaps. Also a full service custom and restoration shop to build the big boy (or girl) toy to fill your toy shed. Scott has always had a love for cars and things that go fast! He came by this naturally - his dad, Marty felt the same way about cars. Scott has experience working for parts companies, mechanic work for local shops as well as big dealerships before choosing to work with his family in the body shop business. Now opening his own shop, Scott wants to work with you on your projects. Muscle cars, classic cars, your daily driver that's been involved in a collision - all receive the same attention to quality and detail.
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- Dexter, Iowa