March 2023 by Randy Payne
ThisIsTheBestChurchIHaveEverBeenInEverThanks to everyone ww
December 2022 by Jess S.
Open and affirming. I don’t have enough great things to say about the preschool there!
December 2018 by Danielle Jones
Not sure what going on
December 2016 by Becky Shattuck
We don't worship here, but we love our neighborhood church. They are open to everyone, and the congregation voted to embrace the LBGT community. They provide health care and dinner for people who need it once a week, and they regularly hold events open to the neighborhood--like picnics, board game nights, and plays. Our kids went to the preschool here (the preschool isn't religious), and we were very happy. We walk to the church regularly in the evenings and on weekends to use the playground (it's usually in use during the weekdays because of the school programs).
December 2016 by Edward Jones
I was a member from 4th Grade through High School, along with my Mom, Dad, brothers, and sisters - was confirmed at Grace Methodist, attended MYF, and enjoyed participating in every choir (except the adult choir) and was honored to receive a hymnal engraved by Mr. Tutt- until I moved out of State. Mrs. Hubbard, my 4th grade Sunday School teacher was the kindest person I have ever known. Dr. Moats was a scholar. Rev. Lamb and Rev. Rinkle were easy to relate to and taught me everything I needed to know. Rev. Lott was an inspiration. Dr. Walker was a pillar of strength. Dr. Young married Carolyn and I, and later baptized our first son, Bill. Dr. White and his family were inspirational, as was Mr. Spong at the organ. I'll never forget, Mrs. Scott, our HS. Choir director, who passed from this earth and was loved by all.