If you have any way of working with another bank, do it. These people will tell you wrong things all day long, which will cost you money, and will give you the weirdest non-answers when you drill down, making everything sound like it's a secret.
April 2024
I was at Wells Fargo yesterday and I wanted to cash my checks out For told us we needed two forms of documents to cash out money then when I stopped by this afternoon to the wells Fargo bank she saw us coming up shut down the register and acted like she using the restroom just to ignore us for 30 good minutes
February 2024
Super easy to understand why there is a 2 star average review for this bank. Honestly, that’s way too high. I’ll be pulling all my accounts and moving them somewhere else. Waited in line for 15 minutes, then was told I had to be there an hour in advance to open an account (which I was). Laziest employees I’ve ever... read full comment