Auto Parts near Anita, IA

2 locations found near Anita

“We want to thank Seth, Jayden and Dave for helping us out today. We thought we might need a new battery or starter for our truck. They tested everything and found no problems. They didn’t take anything for their time so we offered a gift of money for them to buy a pizza for their crew.Talking with them, we said we were going to stay in the next town of Casey for the night. They discouraged us from staying there and offered us to stay on their property (in our camper) for the night. What a great family they even asked us to stay longer for their chuckwagon festival.What a great America we live in today you should be very proud of this family what a great upbringing, so polite and friendly to all.Thank you so much for your kindnessJack & Kathy HahnChandler AZ”

5 Superb15 Reviews