July 2023 by Letty Zepeda
So many cats! All well cared for. Ladies there are working hard to keep so many cats happy and safe. A hidden gem that needs publicity so donations can be made to help out with costs. Wish I could volunteer, but allergic to the cats.
July 2023 by Christina Smith
Nice staff. Clean and caring environment. Just picked up 2 wonderful cats today.
July 2023 by Richard Vasquez (Rico)
The best thing for humanity and animal rights! Donate and adopt! Don’t count on your neighbors. AND, Bob Barker couldn’t have been wrong all these years!!!
June 2023 by Mother Q.
Staff are loving and facility is clean. Staff VERY helpful too!!
June 2023 by Debbie Plancarte On
Very helpful very nice very clean I got what we went for and they're going to to help us Place some kittens
December 2022 by Catherine Swisher
Great cat shelter. The volunteers really care about the kitties. I'm sharing a pic of Cinder, the kitty I sponsor.
December 2022 by Lou Cypher
Brought some donations & bought some Bake sale goods. Lovely Staff & wonderful Kitten & Cats
October 2022 by Linda Greene
I have 6 cats. I just visit. Anyone can visit.It's a heartbreaker to leave the kitties behind.Anyone can donate. They can always use your help.
September 2022 by Roy Hughes
Many cats to choose from. Great adoption process. It's quite evident that the people care very much for all of the little residents. So if you are looking to add to your family, or if you are in need of transferring one of your own family members to the ICS, know that those who reside there are shown much love and affection.
August 2022 by Rick H
The front room is filled with cats coming into the shelter, kittens and a few older resident cats. Most of the cats are in cages with detailed notes on each. A few are in recovery or currently on medication. Most are waiting for there new home. There are a few cats who wander around as if they own the place. A lot of these beauties are in transition from one place to another. You could spend all day petting all of the cats in this room all by itself.Just like a bad commercial, but wait there's more...The back hall has many rooms coming off of it. There are a few cats. Just wondering the halls getting to see everybody. All these individual room house more cats living in luxury. There are soft beds and plenty of places for cats to snuggle up and toys everywhere. A few of these rooms have little kitty doors so they can go stretch there legs outside. The independent cats decided to try this to provide everything they would ever need. It is a little kitty paradise, while they wait on there forever home.
August 2022 by Christy Ashley
I got my first cat from them back in the 90's. I moved 3 hours away but I still get my cats from them. I love the fact that its a non kill and they take great care of their cats. The fact that they do check ups too is great. I currently have 3 of their cats. It's been great to watch the facility grow throughout the years and seeing Paula there all these years has been great too as she is amazing.
July 2022 by Lily Smith
Very informative on TNR (trap, neuter, release), as well as caring for your newly adopted kitty. Friendly staff and willing to help in any way they can.
May 2022 by aaron coberg
My girls got 2 new cats here. The place is great and the cats are awesome companions!
January 2022 by Twila S.
We found several cats that were so sweet. The people here are very helpful, they will tell you about the animals and show you ones they think would work for your individual needs. We haven't picked out one yet, but will be going back soon.
November 2021 by Steven Michael
Wonderful! People who love animals are the best! And very friendly and helpful to humans also.