“With these crazy busy days right before the holiday, I was running errands and had some teenagers in the car, had thought to stop at village pantry to get there donuts that are marked down half off after 4:00 p.m., picked out a dozen donuts ( still in a hurry to get errands ran) , when one of our local police officers came in, and stopped to hold the door open to the donut case, while I picked out the kids' donuts! Thank you officer tussy and thank you village pantry for having great donuts all the time!!”
“Best price on gas today but after I started filling up I notice that it was 87% while back at station across from McClure it was like 4cents different but it was 88%”
“With these crazy busy days right before the holiday, I was running errands and had some teenagers in the car, had thought to stop at village pantry to get there donuts that are marked down half off after 4:00 p.m., picked out a dozen donuts ( still in a hurry to get errands ran) , when one of our local police officers came in, and stopped to hold the door open to the donut case, while I picked out the kids' donuts! Thank you officer tussy and thank you village pantry for having great donuts all the time!!”