Duerstock Garage
Auto Repair
22172 Vine St, Oldenburg IN 47036
Most Recent Comments
January 2019
Ed Hodge is your garage guy. He can fix all your problems. Honest, and trustworthy. His shop has that small town charm.
June 2018
The mechanic Ed is amazing. He does excellent work at a very honest price. Won't take my Jeep any where else. I recommend that any one who needs a great mechanic, needs to take there vehicle there....
January 2018
Probably one of the friendliest most honest mechanics I've ever met. Travelling to Wisconsin and had some car trouble. He not only diagnosed the problem making me feel much better but gave me a history of the historic building he's in and showed is his vintage cars. Kind of person who brightens your whole day. THANKS ED!
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From Duerstock Garage
Duerstock Garage, in Oldenburg, IN, is the leading auto repair shop serving Ripley, Decatur and Rush counties since 1983. We offer engine repair, brake and suspension service, alignments, diesel repair, and much more. For all your auto repair needs, contact Duerstock Garage in Oldenburg.
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