March 2025 by Paula Davis
Having to ask for help in sanitizing the self-checkout machine and area was somewhat unsettling. The area was dirty, and unsettling, to say the least...
March 2025 by Beth Torrey
Wish we had Meijer in Moline, Illinois. It has great, fresh produce, great bakery, and you can get all your grocery needs PLUS its department side has a wonderful selection of home goods, clothing, and sport equipment. When visiting family I make it a priority to shop at Meijer.
March 2025 by James Kauzlarich
Lots of stuff to buy!
But the parking lot is bad. There have been ruts in the parking spots closest to the door for decades, and they apparently don't care. I'll change this review BACK to 5 stars if and when I see them filled in.
March 2025 by Jesse Schellinger
I love Meijer a company. This includes every location I've ever been to. This is because of their employees, the rewards program, and the overall enjoyable atmosphere... 💗
March 2025 by Gioacchino Minelli
Looking for a specific baby formula but it was not available... Generally I'm very satisfied for quality and assortment
March 2025 by Carol M
Store was well stocked. Cashier was not very friendly.
March 2025 by Keith Duff
The store was well stocked on most items and well kept without cluttered aisle ways
February 2025 by Stephanie Zagar
My least favorite meijer to date.
February 2025 by Mimi Yaw
Good selection of groceries and has self checkout
February 2025 by jerry kenna
The shelving holding the meat is absolutely disgusting! Every time I go in, they look like they have never been cleaned.
February 2025 by Leslie Franklin
It was easier to find items I was looking for.
February 2025 by Drea
Found other clearance/sale deals besides my own coupons and perks !
January 2025 by Andrew Kinnard
(Still the) Best combination of price, quality and service in town. Yes, the deli and checkout lanes will be insane if you go at peak times (whichever store you choose). Smile, be friendly, and cope like an adult.
BTW, navigating the store while being respectful of others isn't hard. It's a LOT like driving, and everything would work SO much better if everyone would just "drive" themselves or their group through the store. Watch out for other people. Make room. Don't hog aisle or other shared spaces (e.g., parking your cart right in the middle of the lane, and then standing between it and the shelves which MIGHT leave room for one cart to pass on only one side of the aisle [if there are no obstructions or random carts left behind from stocking tasks]).
I know you finally got him to promise to help with groceries, but do us all a favor and leave your useless husband at home (I'm a man, guys, and I said what I said...prove me wrong); he's just taking up more aisle space as you two insist on trying to walk two abreast (or him lagging behind, offset, clueless, and totally oblivious of everyone else). Leave your BeBe kids at home too (if you can). Make an effort; folks are quite pleasant if others can see you make an effort.
No, checkout staff aren't trained like they are at Martins (update: Martin's doesn't train like that anymore either). No, management won't spring into action when lanes are three-deep and longer. These are the tradeoffs for price competitiveness. MPerks can help you save a little bit more (without struggling with paper ads, coupons, etc.) Relax and stream some Pandora/Spotify/Netflix/whatever over their free WiFi (please, use earbuds or headset or smthg); you'll get through the lines, and everything will be ok...I promise.
Produce is very good. They have legit ethnic sections (including Kosher foods). Selection, in general, is good (even in non-food areas...I mostly grocery shop here). Return and other store policies are reasonable (although I have not tested their limits; I don't extreme coupon or return a lot of clothing).
They stock legit salon-only hair products (because they have a salon in their HQ location). Their Meijer brand canned dog food is very high quality. Their store brand products are generally quite good (and a few are better than popular brands).
They recently changed almost all their policy on items priced like "$3 for two items". That used to mean $1.50 for one. Now, fine print almost always ends that price description with "when you buy two" (in the above example). I get it, but it's a shame; that was one of their very few market differentiators.
The parking lot is getting kind of rugged with serious sagging under front tires in many of the parking spots, but I've noticed they are beginning to repair these. People have begun to park like jerks, taking hashed off areas and handicapped parking loading zones. I don't see the store doing anything about it. Update: Both those parking issues have been adequately, if not completely, addressed.
January 2025 by Erin Phend
Placed an online order. With this Meijer, I never get a confirmation that my order is ready, even when it is. Went there. Was told it would be another 15 to twenty minutes. They were finishing up my order. Waited half an hour. Called in. Said it was going to be another 30-60 minutes. Why have times if it isn’t going to be followed? Messaged the company before about missing items. No follow up email from them. This isn’t all of them, just this particular one.
January 2025 by Chris Simoni
My wife and I have had consistently poor experiences with their curbside pickup services. Orders are seldom ready during scheduled times, mistakes made on orders, etc. We were recently forced to use this option again due to being ill and instantly regretted it. Checked-in during our pick up time to pick up our order and waited 45 minutes. They did give us a $20 coupon for our troubles.