“Helped me get an XLR signal chain setup since my DAC only had RCA output. Super helpful and very reasonable prices. Highly recommend if you need some in depth expertise or Best Buy doesn’t have the part you need!”
“Not enough handicap parking Handicapped electric carts never charged never in the entrance. Went in to day two carts charging two handicap people waiting. I would of been the third if I would of waited. Pitiful for us handicapped customers”
“They have a female working there who talks about smoking a dead babies ashes who was murdered. They decided to talk down on my kids. We seen her at her job yesterday and she kept arguing back with me. Plenty of family and friends have memberships with you guys but no longer will if they are aware of the type of cruel ignorant workers you have working there! If nothing is done about Courtney Jones me and my family and friends will all be reaching out to corporate!!!”
“Unbeatable prices but I have only one complaint.. Everything is self checkout at the pump. But the pumps are shut down after hours? If there is no need for attendance during hours then how come I can’t just do the same at night? Pay at the pump?”