The Cigar Box is a premium cigar retailer offering big-name brands, including Fuente, Padron, Ashton, Cohiba, Partagas, Romeo Y Julieta, Oliva, Montecristo, Perdomo, Acid, and smaller craft brands, including A.J. Fernandez, Drew Estate, Ghurka, Kristoff, Rocky Patel, RoMa Craft Tobacco, Tatuaje, My Father Cigars, Foundation, Warped, illusione, and more. Our customers love the unique selection we have to offer in our walk-in humidors and cigar cabinets. They often stay to smoke their favorite cigars in our well-appointed lounge with comfortable leather seating, big-screen TVs, and non-alcoholic drinks. We are a more affordable option to the average cigar bar experience. Join us today!