September 2023 by Aman Shah
Indiana-IN MK 84 came to ask that you drove wrongly in the yard and a young person in front of me, who I don't think has a sister at home or a mother, looks like a stray, looks like a piece of bone or a bone kept together. I could have taken it out, but everyone came to my house and as he was talking, I would make him hunn haramada kwanga. Also, don't insult anyone else outside. You will be rich outside your house, your value is good or a cremation ground, a millionaire like you is lying there in a heap, so the curse of lakhs from me, your dirty speech, and if it takes time, sit your mother and sister next to you at home. I heard dirty words, it was known that when you spat, but as soon as there are smart people like you, God forbid the rest of the people who speak dirty words. God bless you more and more.