Robert's Auto Tech
Auto Repair
3700 Grant St, Gary IN 46408
Most Recent Comments
July 2023
You really have to appreciate a place that's open on a Saturday afternoon. We were in a bad situation with our vehicle while passing through town, and Robert was very good to us. I only wish I lived closer so that I could have him as a regular mechanic.I appreciated his honesty very much.
June 2023
Affordable prices, fast service with experience. Support small black businesses
February 2023
Robert's Auto Repair shop is the best maintenance shop in all of NW-Indiana. Their professionalism, knowledge, and maintenance skill is second to none. I would highly recommended their shop to handle any of your automotive repair needs. They have taken care of my car without a doubt, I wouldn't have came this far without...
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From Robert's Auto Tech
Robert's Auto repair is located in Gary, Indiana. We have been proudly the serving the community for over several decades. We are here to help the people get their cars, trucks or SUV's working smoothly and in a timely manner. Robert's does offer towing services. We repair all makes and models. Ask about our break specials today!
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