July 2024 by Nick Paubel (Nixon)
They employ people who support political violence.
July 2024 by Nate Shoemaker
No care occurs at this facility, just enabling and exploiting.
July 2024 by JLK H (Phil 48)
The director supports staff's dysfunction without thoroughly reviewing documents.
July 2024 by Jesse Matz
This is not a safe place if someone that works here believes assassinations are okay.
February 2024 by Lakeela Puckett
This is the worst facility I have ever seen a family friend deal with they let this poor girl run the streets of Fort Wayne and leave day and night with strange men…. She would be gone for days on end… then also didn’t take care of medical needs… let her get her birth control taken out and also get pregnant…. When her mother is her medical representative!!!! Then wouldn’t also allow friends of the family to even get her to take her to dinner and bowling but let her run the streets of Fort Wayne with strange men and catch STDS!!!! The staff would also hit her and not take care of her… staff would treat her like a friend and not a client… the staff also would steal the allowance that they facility gave the clients. Staff would allow her to drink and smoke marijuana, have these strange men come in to the group home with the other clients never doing bed checks…. To top all of this off this facility had her in their care and left her by herself with no staff or other clients for 3 weeks while she was 8 months pregnant with no food. They also have control over their clients money that led this group home to have utilities shut off on top of cable when that’s what they get there checks for..
October 2023 by Tom Franks
Do not work for them. I drove professionally for 26 years. And I had a house manager go off on me. She just threw me in a van expected mee to just drive it. Every vehicle the brake pedal may be off just a bit so you must get used to driving it. My first encounter was first time going down a steep grade. I had to locate the brake pedal. She freaked out on me. I told the office and because I was the new kid on the block they took her word. I can put you in two different makes and models of Moto coaches and the brake assembly is not the same. So to end this I tried to get another job and said I was unhireable. This is dirty to ruin someone's chances in another job. They will lie to save my heir own throat.
August 2023 by Jared Medrano
I hope to get the most out of this service and I hope to be accepted as a human being and not and object or recipient. Please be kind to me.
August 2023 by Bryant Bennington
Staff are lazy don't like the responsibility of the more needy one. Will pass certain residents to different homes all week if they don't want to deal with them will let residents sit in there feces for hours or until a shift changes and that new shift notices it. Doesn't matter if you say anything nobody cares from what it seems like. Staffing is so unorganized it's frustrating. Good idea but need better employees or something
June 2023 by me me
This agency accepts violent residents and staff are expected and told to tolerate being physically assaulted and attacked while on the job. They do not care one bit about the safety and well being of the staff. Residents are given a free pass to break the law whenever they want and are given positive reinforcement for doing so. Behavioral consultants are a joke, most have no background in psychology or social work - True North being among the worst. If you want to be disrespected, unappreciated and physically attacked, this is the workplace for you.
January 2023 by Lana Kelly
They are very unprofessional they're hiring process is at a all time high difficult and they do not properly train new dsp,s they didn't even do a med pass in training, they aim to not hire anyone based on if you cannot lift in they're med fragile homes and do as they say they don't want you working for them Benchmark is a much more better company to work for they have several houses that are no lift the people clients are walking in supported living houses this company Easter Seals don't need you or your experience they want you to do CNA work or she said we don't need your help or experienceorientation and hiring do not let this place fool you they are unprofessional and evil if you don't do what they tell you to do the whole process will fair warn you to walk away in it's tracks be careful this company only wants to break your back and boss people around l feel sorry for each and every last one of the clients in these people care heads up everything that look good is not weigh your options please trust me I worked at Benchmark 6 yrs these people are half stepping
January 2023 by Zehava Itamar
Great caring people work with clients like me. We really need more people to work here though.
January 2023 by Terry Moyer
Good food cheap price can't beat it
January 2023 by mishay fairchild
My frustration and concerns are to many to list! The hardest thing is finding someone that will actually listen, help and do anything about it. They have led us in circles and just plain lied to our faces multiple times. I can't even find someone to move her. If anyone can help us we would be grateful. We are are like I said, frustrated. And hurt!
January 2022 by Donald Clevenger
The people here provide a valuable service to the community. They are all very friendly and efficient.
January 2022 by Dawn Barnett
They have group hime for the high function mentally challenged people to live on their own in a group setting