Autos key Duluth
Auto Repair,
2863 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Duluth IN 30097 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
May 2023
I had a broken key fob that wasn’t working properly, and this company fixed it for me in no time. The service was fast and efficient, and the staff was knowledgeable and helpful. I would definitely recommend them for any car key repair needs.
April 2023
This locksmith provided me with excellent service when I needed a new key for my classic car. They were knowledgeable, efficient, and their prices were very reasonable.
April 2023
The staff were very professional and courteous throughout the entire repair process. They made me feel valued as a customer.
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About Autos key Duluth
American Salvage Co, in Bluffton, IN, is the leading antique store serving Wells, Allen, Adams, Huntington and Jay counties since 2019. We offer antiques, vintage items, furniture, and much more. For your next antique purchase, visit American Salvage Co in Bluffton.
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