June 2024 by Paul Featherstone
I looked on my app this morning to find out when the food pantry is open and it said they’re open now from 9 to 12 when I got up to the front door they were locked and it said closed on Fridays, but my app didn’t say that, I drove all the way from Alexandria for nothing
February 2024 by Ashley Mckenzie
The salvation army is a great resource for local people to receive help with money, food, paying bills transportation etc. They are a non-profit organization who are self-operated and run. They give job opportunities to locals as well as volunteering opportunities. They support small business and give back to the community. They are Christian affiliated group of kind-hearted, giving people giving back to all of the people in need. If they don't have a resource for someone they can find one.
February 2024 by Sherri
It's my Birthday cold heart today I pray to the dead that lost the right to their name♥️☮️?????
December 2023 by Cheri Poor
Totally awesome. Great to no there 8s good people MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS US ?.
November 2023 by The “Kk” One
Love is play, everybody is so kind. Yes, the line is long, so chill out. Smoke a fatty, listen to some tunes, and chill it's worth it.!
October 2023 by The One
Love is play, everybody is so kind. Yes, the line is long, so chill out. Smoke a fatty, listen to some tunes, and chill it's worth it.!
September 2023 by Mike
Food pantry only gives out pork. I hate pork
September 2023 by Ron Myers
Couldn't get in
August 2023 by Mike S
Food pantry only gives out pork. I hate pork
August 2023 by Sheryl Lay
Love this place so very helpful!
December 2022 by Amy Lozano
They are very kind giving people. They take the time to help those in need
December 2022 by Terry Peterson
they are great people they really are
October 2022 by Susan Purnell
Great staff
September 2022 by Michael Garrison
At vets stand down. Very helpful!
August 2022 by Brandy Mathis
Great people that really care and help. They are providing wonderful services to the local residents that are in need. I really hate seeing people take advantage of their kind hearts though. But I guess there will always be that regardless, unfortunately.