June 2024 by Kailey McCall
It says closes at 10 online but have their doors locked at 8:55!!
September 2023 by Krombopulos Michael
Almost anything you need from Walmart but takes a fraction of the time
August 2023 by Angela Zavala
Very disappointed in dollar general I understand a month ago when the city had no power and the electricity was off that is out of dollar general's control I totally understand . But the HVAC unit not working so the store is closed ? Many of us rely on on our neighborhood dollar general for packages this company has a 36 billion dollar market cap but going days without HVAC there's really no excuse for it ? My HVAC was down and my landlord had it fixed within hours I just don't understand how this is turning into days now? The only feedback the staff could give me was them yelling yes YELLED at me with quote "what do you want me to do dude !!!" Her words. Well at least as a staff member/manager you could be proactive and help can I at least have a time frame as to when things might be up and running so I can pick up my packages. They wouldn't even help me with that this world genuinely lacks empathy so sad. They seemed more concerned with the issue that I arrived on said date and the store was closed even though they were supposed to be open they even had a sign on the door stating that store hours were going to be between 8:00 am until 12 pm noon which I arrived and they were still closed ? All I did was mention that I had arrived between the posted hours and they were still closed.. and they argued with me and "gaslighted" me that they were open. I stood there knocked on the door ,tried calling multiple times no one answered, I even waived my hand and stepped backed from the door to try to get the sensor to possibly unlock the door but the doors were locked ? That wasn't even my concern I just wanted to pick up my packages and know a time frame of when the HVAC unit would be up and running so FedEx could make the delivery. *Main point* the store needs to be open for the delivery to be made . Store not open means FedEx can't deliver plain and simple? She didn't care seems as if she was more concerned with getting in trouble about the doors being locked which once again that was not my concern ? I just needed a timeframe of when things would be up and running normally so that FedEx could deliver the package . To sum it all up I showed up mentioned that I arrived in the morning and they were closed but it was not even a concern of mine I just needed to know when I could pick up my packages and when the store hours would return to normal so deliveries could be made ? It's really silly how this employee has no problem walking away from the register upset at me to show me on the stores cameras that I was "supposedly" not there even though I *was* but she couldn't get ahold of the owners/management /corporate to give me a time frame of when things would be back to normal. Once again the simple lack of empathy of how she will defend the store not being open but yell at me about the main issue I was concerned with. I didn't even come off unfriendly until she flipped out on me when she could have simply said "hey they should have it fixed by said date so you can pick up your packages" that's what I would have done a simple phone call or research could have resolved this . Sad world we're living in ...
July 2023 by Charlette Crook
Lady was rude
June 2023 by S P
It's definitely a dollar general
May 2023 by Sedrick Perry
It's definitely a dollar general
April 2023 by Cognitive Public
It's definitely a dollar general
March 2023 by Tara Clark Bidder 8618
This store is usually filthy and nothing is ever stocked.
November 2022 by Jasmine Viele
BAD EMPLOYEE. One of the women (did not catch the name) who was working today around 4pm was so RUDE, MEAN, ARGUMENTATIVE, and DISRESPECTFUL. She refused to open a box of tape that was already out and said it was because she just didn't want to. Reading through the other comments for this store shows me that it is probably not the first time she has treated customers that way. Your store needs to teach your employees the proper way to treat customers with respect even if they disagree or just do not want to do something.
July 2022 by Mary Ellen Merz-Petrosky
Just stopped in to get posted notes. The male employee was awesome so sorry I don’t have his name.
June 2022 by Thomas Ishmael
This place is cheap and convenient
October 2021 by Bailey Castañeda
Its come to my attention that this store keeps Black hair care products under lock and key, but not products targeting white people. Does your non discriminatory policy not apply to all aspects of your business. You message isn't hard to decipher- its racist and its wrong. Do better DG.
August 2021 by Stripes Maccoonis
I do enjoy the prices of Dollar General. There's usually good deals going on to go with them, and even if they don't have exactly what I want there's usually something akin to make the trip worth it.My only real issues are mostly to do with the layout. Every Dollar General I visit seems overly dirty and chaotic. I understand its a general store, though I've never been to one that didn't seem cluttered or have extra stock clogging isles. Just makes it a bit unappealing to walk around.
June 2021 by Hoa Tran
Good deals
June 2021 by Tonoa L. Dean
This is my go to spot!