This store will be a very much welcome throughout their locations. Unbelievable on the changes coming. Full inventory’s,name brands. Will give a 5 when done.
September 2023
They are in process of re-doing the store, moving this here n that there.... Got my dog food with no issues, such a super helpful dude at the Pontiac, IL store. Great store.
August 2023
Love everything about store and the closest place for premium dog food
R.P. Home & Harvest is a farm and home retailer with 22 locations across Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin. With a commitment to community and a passion for customer service, R.P. Home & Harvest offers hardworking Midwestern families the essential products they need for home, work, and outdoor recreation. Product categories include farm supply, livestock feed, sporting goods, footwear, apparel, hardware, lawn & garden, automotive, pet, housewares, grocery, and much more.