“I've been living here since November. A lot of people have made nasty comments re the towing. It's actually VERY SIMPLE. If you're a RESIDENT park in the RESIDENT SLOTS. that doesn't mean you can park in the visitor slot. Tow companies do not look for a resident sticker when they check the VISITOR spots, they check for a VISITOR sticker! If you don't put a visitor sticker on your car even if you are a resident and you're parked in a visitor spot. You will get towed. I have not done that so I've never been towed, and I have just taken the loss and will sometimes walk 2 extra minutes since there is limited spots. Big deal. Read your contracts, because that is the SMART thing to do. And if you aren't sure ASK QUESTIONS before you act. It's sad people get so defensive and childish over such simple things. All in all I've had an easy experience living here at scenic trees. Amada is always nice and will help as soon as she can as she is in the office most of the time and has a lot on her plate. Don't be unreasonable people PLS. There's enough stuff to stress about.”
“I love it here, I’ve been here for 36 months. I feel safe , treated with respect from Tamika and Denise. Now a few of the Maintenance staff that’s a different story but I have no doubt that Denise and Tamika will get that department straightened up but overall price is reasonable, they keep the public spaces clean and respond in a timely manner on maintenance issues. People always want to make negative reviews when they don’t get their way or when they do not want to follow rules, I’ll never understand that. Tamika is so sweet and kind ,even when she has to deliver bad news or even when people are not being respectful to her. She always respond so professional, calm and respectful. Thank you Denise and Tamika for making my home a comfortable place to live .”