May 2024 by Dan Pocifo
I swear every time I come the staff is hogging equipment for their own work outs. Management clearly does not care.
April 2024 by ron barkley
One of my favorite gyms. The coffee lounge serves great coffee and lends itself to great conversations.
April 2024 by Gary G.
Super clean, friendly staff, excellent variety of cardio, strength, and classes. Very family friendly. Clientele from my church and neighborhood. There is a program for fun or wellness for everyone. Highly recommend.
March 2024 by Tony Parbs
This has nothing to do with what this business actually does but if you are going to have an Amazon pick up locker, you should probably be open for business during the Amazon delivery hours
March 2024 by Ramir Hass
Worse place fot tennis, there are only 4 courts and 3 of them are always booked for group classes, so basically there's only 1 single court for all the members. On top of this, you're only able to book 1hr a day, so you'll only be playing about 5,6 games, if you're lucky a set. If you're lucky and someone cancels court time, you will think you can play extra minutes, but no, the coaches that are there given group classes will fight with you for that court, they didn't have that court in their program, but since someone didn't show up, they will take it right away and kick you out of the court without explanation or even being polite, they will only say out of the court in a rude way because they are young and think they are big.... So bottom line, if you are a tennis player, this place is overcrowded with group classes and you won't get courts to play unless you do magic and fight with the stpid coaches.
March 2024 by James Lysaght
Incredible staff (whoever trains them is an Ace), terrific facilities (whoever fixes and maintains things is an Ace), the equipment and Trainers and programs are Top Notch, and generally nice and social Members. This place is all around great. (By contrast, in comparison, Ackerman kinda sucks). When it's running and gunning, HT has one of the best Steam Rooms there is. After a workout, I love a good steam. HT is the best club in the area, in my humble opinion.
February 2024 by john maestranzi
I cancelled my membership and they proceeded to charge my card for another 3 months. This place is a joke.
February 2024 by Daniel Kuterbaum
This place is in complete shambles. The park district facilities are nicer than this broken machine filled dumpster fire of a gym. The power has gone out 4 times in the past 2 weeks and they’ve had to evacuate the building and close for the day. Also the employees are complete jokes, they sit on their phones instead of cleaning and maintaining the gym. And I even walked in on this one employee with long hair and glasses vaping in the bathroom. Helathtrack has fallen a long way since I first got my membership.
February 2024 by John M.
this place charged me for 3 months after I cancelled. they then said the only way to cancel a gym membership is to come in person and sign a paper. what a joke.
January 2024 by Bianca Stone
I love everything about this place. The group fitness classes are fantastic, the treadmills are the best I’ve ever used and the steam room is my favorite. Highly recommend!
October 2023 by Anthony T.
Great front staff awful GM see the email here Roger I wanted to follow up on the email I sent today with pictures. Cris has said we only clean the exterior windows once a quarter, its just too difficult to keep them clean. Ive cleaned my own windows for years, and its not that hard if you do it daily/weekly. Also you can see multiple chairs are ripped and simply need to be replaced. There is literal rust leaking from the walls. It appears Cris has never walked the pool area. There are also several reachable ceiling tiles that need to be replaced. These issues did not arise over night. They have been discussed multiple times by me and other members. I have told this to Cris multiple times over a three week period. I have done this by notifying the member services mgmt (jim and beth). The operations manager Jeff, and a comment card. Jim and beth even sent pictures to Cris. Cris said he just learned about this yesterday. That is a complete lie because Gary said "Tony i have to paint the vents, i cant get the stuff off". I told Jim beth and the comment cards about the other issues at the same time. Gary took initiative and is trying to make it right. I also offered to show Cris these issues today in person and he said no. It is obviously that Cris doesn't know one if the major things in hospitality, that is keeping the environment extremely clean and pleasant looking for the guests/members. The tables in the pool are also in need of serious attention. I would expect this lack of cleaning/maintenance from a YMCA in a low income area. Not a gym in a high income community such as Glen Ellyn. I also told Cris the scale needed to be recalibrated this am, when i cane today it still hasnt been done. Cris clearly doesn't value the members of Healthtrack, whos dues im sure pay a large portion of his salary. These dues also keep the doors open. Cris needs to realize that if membership dries up he wont have a place to work. I am attaching pictures as well for you, and i al expecting a correspondence from you within 24hours. Roger owns Healthtrack and Wheaton Sports Center
July 2023 by Jeff Berkshire
Honestly this place just stopped caring after Covid. It has only gone from bad to worse. Everything just seems dirtier and the employees put no effort to fix that. My biggest complaint is how most of the staff decides to work out and hog equipment with their personal items (water bottle, keys, bags, purse,headphones, ex) during the hours where the number of members are at peak for the gym floor. The staff just hangs out and chats with no regard for paying members. The trainers hang out with their friends all day upstairs. I’ve had to compromise my work out almost every time I come here, and on 3 separate occasions I just up and left because I didn’t have the time to wait. As a paying customer I feel like I come second to the employees that treat this place like a private gym. I will be taking my business to the Y for now. I can’t say I’ll return unless major changes have been made.
July 2023 by Linda Adamik
This Health Club is more than a place to exercise, but also a place to socialize and make friends. You walk into a sitting area with comfortable chairs circled around small bistro tables. Thete is a coffee machine, water machine, and even small hot food service. The sitting area is next to the beautiful pool area separated by a wall of clear glass. The sun shines in on the cool blue waters making you want to jump on. There are two pools and two saunas. One for swimming and one not so deep. Also in the socializing area is a ping-pong table for fun. There large gym is used for basketball and PICKLEBALL among other activities. Upstairs are three exercise rooms for Zumba, Spin Class, Tai chi?, yoga, pilates, and so much more offering classes throughout the day with excellent instructors! Also upstairs are weight machine, free weights, treadmills,, bicycling machines and more! And don't miss the wonderful large track encircling half the upstairs. Area has an open look as the gym has no ceiling on first floor so activities can be viewed in gym as you walk around . Have kids? Great babysitting room on downstairs floor. Showers, wet and dry saunas also on first floor. Need nails or hair done? Even have a small salon!! Well worth the monthly fee!
May 2023 by Sam Coyner
Everyone here is so nice & welcoming -- I love being able to feel comfortable going to the gym & not feeling like I'm being judged.
February 2023 by aleew26
I am very happy with the club I general and my personal trainer (Dawn) as well. This gym meets my needs which are pretty basic so I am unsure if you were a pro bodybuilder it would work but it does for me. I am not in excellent shape and a feel comfortable working out here as I have not in another club I used previously. The pool is clean (I see them testing thr water every time I use the pool it seems) and well maintained. Like the large therapy pool as well. Constantly adding/replac8ng equipment