I am speaking of the store located west main cross ( rt 12 west ) Findlay Ohio 45840
I have been a returning customer since they opened. My complaint prior to today is that it’s very difficult to even buy what you need ( decreasing sales ) when so much shipments are left in the aisle unattended . But , I deal with it and just buy half of what I wanted and figure it’s the loss of the store . I never had anyone rude to me and often times got a hello if the employee was close upon entering the door.
TODAY made me not ever want to return to that store .
I always use self check out being mindful places are short staffed and I have no issues helping out . With that said , the scanner would not work. I hang the bell 3 times ( loud ) and no one came. I stepped back and noticed a lady just down the aisle . I asked “ can you help me it says the printer is out of paper “. She never even spoke . She comes over lifts the lid to the printer ( yes it was out ) so she proceeds to load it. As I was waiting I said “ I may needs your help with the digital coupons , I never used them before .” She rudely says “ I don’t know anything about it so I can’t help you “. I said “ how can you not know when you work here ?” Again ,rudely says “ it’s a third party , we have nothing to do with it . Your on your own !” I said “ it should not matter . Dollar store does the advertising and it’s on their personal app”. She says “ that’s how it is “. So
Moving on …..On the screen it still was showing an error . So I said “ it’s still showing an error “. She sighs loudly , opens the lid , pulls out a little paper from the roll and says “ it’s fine “. Again , it didn’t work . This went on 5 times. I finally asked “ could the paper roll be put in upside down ?” ( I worked retail years ago and felt it was a valid question ). She snapped at me “ NO!! it’s in correctly “. So once it seemed it was going to work it would allow me to scan two items with the scanner and no more . I had cases of pop is why I was using the scanner in the first place . She kept turning the screen around and said “ scan “. So I scanned two more “ and two more. And every time I waited for her to do whatever it was she was on the screen because I could not see it . Once I finally got things totaled it she points to where the coupon icon is and says” put your number in”. So I did and it worked just fine “. Now when I went to use my debit card again was issues / errors and no receipt. I bet it was another 7-10 minute before she finally got my receipt. Only it wasn’t mine. She says “ guess the person in front of you didn’t get their receipt. “ to bad for them , she says ! So now here comes my receipt x’s 2……. She said “ hope it didn’t charge you twice . I asked “ so there is a possibility it charged me twice ?” I am surprised I have my head left attached “. She says “ NO , I said” IT SHOULD NOT HAVE CHARGED YOU TWICE “ ( isn’t that what I asked I thought to myself ). Then she says “WELL DID YOU SCAN YOUR CARD TWICE ?” “ I answered “ I don’t know that I did but it’s been such a mess trying to figure what’s been done “. SHE LITERALLY WALKED AWAY “. So I said sarcastically “ PLEASURE DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU “. She mumbled something but I was not able to hear since I was walking out the door !!
One , I never encountered someone soooooo nasty.
Two , I was on a time schedule . I needed to be in and out . She NEVER EVER offered to just ring me up on the other register and deal with what was going on with the one I was using .
I will not be going to the store again as long as she is employed there. I WILL NOT be treated like that. If you hate your job or life so much then change it.
Her name was a Chris with a badge the said SHE WAS an assistant manager.
Cassie Doolittle
[email protected]