The Mischievous Monkeys is a multi-vendor Boutique including a Florist, carrying Vintage, Antiques, Collectibles, Honey, Painted Furniture, Candles & Gifts, Stained Glass, Painted Rocks & Canvas Art, Wood Signs, New Women's Apparel & Jewelry Boutique, Men's and Women's Shoes, Custom and Hand made Jewelry, Organite & Crystals, Furniture, Vintage & New Jewelry, Gourmet Foods, Popcorn, Fudge, Balsamic Vinegars. Wind & Willow Mixes, Door County Coffee, CBD products, Flatware Jewelry, Dog Treats & Toys, Soaps & Lotions, Garden & Flower Department with Live Houseplants and many other items to peruse. Open 6 days a week for our customer's convenience. Offer Shipping & Gift Cards. Thank you.