Evergreen FS
Hardware Stores,
966 County Rd 1625 E, Eureka IL 61530
About Evergreen FS
Evergreen FS serves the needs of Central Illinois farmers by providing a full range of farm supplies and services including agronomy, seed, fertilizer, precision farming, fuel, propane, custom turf, financing, grain marketing advice and products. We specialize in the production of corn and soybeans and operate six grain elevators as part of our operations. Evergreen FS offers a full line of energy products including gasoline, ethanol, biodiesel, diesel fuel, propane and lubricants to our customers at competitive prices. We also have Grain Marketing, Custom Turf Lawn and Tree Care, FS Farmtown store, and FAST STOP fueling sites. Evergreen FS serves the Illinois counties of DeWitt, Livingston, Macon, McLean, and Woodford.
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