Foster Pet Outreach

10206 W Dubois Rd, Edwards IL 61528


Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.

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About Foster Pet Outreach

Foster Pet Outreach is a 501(c)(3) NonProfit. We are an all volunteer driven organization whose mission is to save and improve the lives of companion animals by connecting people, resources and knowledge. We rescue and rehome animals from high intake, low adoption shelters where they are at risk. When you volunteer with Foster Pet Outreach you make a difference for homeless animals and for the people who love them too. We were founded in 1991 when three coworkers banded together to help a stray cat. Recognizing the need to better the lives of abandoned and abused animals in their community they eventually formed Foster Pet Outreach in 1995. Over 300 animals are place into loving homes each year by our organization.

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