May 2023 by Lisa P.
Neighborhood drug stores are not the same as the days of grandma. I am thankful and appreciative for Walgreens; always in and out leaving with just what I need. Allergies were acting up and while waiting for my prescription, I took a look at all of the pretty things for Memorial Day. Which could definitely double for July 4th.
January 2023 by Google user
These folks in pharmacy always are helpful to me a d my wife.
December 2022 by Bob Hannapel
These folks in pharmacy always are helpful to me a d my wife.
November 2022 by Christian: Velazquez
15 minutes in the line and not one staff comes to help the other cashier
October 2022 by Pat G.
I ordered a few items from Walgreens to accompany my food order. Much appreciation to the DoorDash drivers with assisting customers to obtain items separate from our food orders, the convenience factor alone speaks volume as to how accommodating the DoorDash drivers are. Thank you!
August 2021 by Anne C.
This location has unbelievably bad customer service do not trust them with your prescriptions. I dropped one off about noon today and it is 6:30 now and I still don't have it. When I dropped it off I was told that my insurance didn't cover it but I said fill it anyway and I'll pay out of pocket they told me it would be an hour and a half. Went back after an hour and a half only to be told your insurance doesn't cover it do you want us to fill it yeah like I said earlier I do. Now I was told to kill 15 minutes driving around and they would get to it right away. 15 minutes later I popped back in I am told again my insurance doesn't cover it do I want to fill it and it'll be another 15 minutes. Needless to say at this point I was about to kill someone so I literally just pulled away my husband is now on his way to pick up my prescription because I literally will not deal with them anymore. To avoid the wrath of my husband who is less patient than myself I decided to call to confirm that 6 hours later my prescription is ready. When I called I was asked for a fourth time since my insurance does it cover it do I want it filled? For the fourth time I said yes I do they said it will be ready in 15 minutes I told the girl it better be because my husband's on his way to get it and if it's not done he's taking the prescription back and I will go elsewhere f*** Walgreens. They have now wasted 6 hours of my day a lot of my time and gas going back and forth I can't even express how angry I am they have literally lost a customer for life.
July 2021 by Rick C.
1 star is too high! I was using the Walgreens Pharmacy in Crestwood, IL. Thanks to the horrendous experience and customer service, I will never use a Walgreens Pharmacy for the rest of my life. I take testosterone and I inject it once a week because my testosterone was extremely low, it was 69 and I am only 36 years old. The last time I filled my testosterone and needles at Walgreens, the Pharmacy said they did not have my regular needles, they stated the insurance would not cover the other needles and I had to pay out of pocket. I assumed it was just a better quality/brand needle, that was not the case, it was a smaller gage needle that does not work with Testosterone (Probably why the insurance does not cover them). I was not able to fill the needle it was too small so minimal amounts of testosterone would suck up with majority air and basically just get wasted as it could not properly come out of the needle either. I went back to the pharmacy to explain this. Immediately the Pharmacy manager said it was my fault that it was my technique. I tried explaining that it was a smaller needle but she stated the doctor changed my prescription, which was false. She very rudely told me step by step how to use the needle. She told me because of Covid to go out to my car and try the steps to properly use a needle. I did, had the same issue. I came back in and explained that it was just wasting my medicine. She said for me to show her how I was doing it now (I guess Covid was no longer a factor) I did, again, it did not work, it sucked up 90% air. She told me I was doing it wrong that the needle was not in the testosterone liquid as I tried to fill it, which it was. She made me sit down and wait for over 20 minutes as she took other customers. She called my doctors office and told them she watched me do it incorrectly and it was because of flawed technique. Not sure what was said after but she abruptly hung up on them. I proceeded to call my doctors office and I was able to get through. After explaining everything to my doctors office. I reacd the prescription from the needles to the lady from my doctors office, the lady explained that the 25Gage needle was too small and would not be able to fill, we needed the 20Gage needle which is what I usually have. She said the doctor would not have prescribed the thinner needle as they know it would not work. She called the Walgreens Pharmacy and spoke to the Pharmacy manager who continued to say it was my technique that was the reason. I asked her for a 5thtime to please show me if she could fill the needle herself to prove that it works, but she refused. She told me that she would not help me unless I went away and sat down. I was there for over and hour at this point, I was sitting majority of the time, I heard her insult me several times, so I stated that I wanted to stand right there and listen to what she was saying about me and hear what she was doing to resolve my issue. She said she would not assist me unless I sat down 20 feet away from her. She ended up calling security over, I explained the issue to them, they then went and spoke to her. After security spoke to the Pharmacist, they told me I needed to sit down or she would not assist me. They said she felt threatened, even though I did nothing to threaten anyone. They told me I needed to sit down, I explained that I am allowed to stand instead of sit, it is a free country. They proceeded to demand I sit down until I knew this was pointless for me to stay any longer, I had already been here well over an hour, so I left. I now have a month worth of needles that I cannot use and which I paid out of pocket for. So for a month I cannot take my prescription because the Pharmacy manager did not want to help me. This seems like something a pharmacy manager should know, now because she does not know what needle is required and is ignorant, I cannot take my medication for a month. I WILL NEVER GO BACK to any Walgreens Pharmacy!!
March 2021 by Chi Gal777 (Rheya)
This is a great store and pharmacy. The staff is great along with managers esp Jason.
March 2021 by Gaye G.
This particular wahlgreens doesnt even deserve one star. The Pharmacy has filled wrong prescriptions more than once. Trisha the Pharmacy Manager was unapologetic and could care less if her staff filled wrong prescriptions. I had a prescription change due to reaction from the first medication. Brought that bottle back to the pharmacy, handed them the medication yo destroy. Asked them to make a note in my file and had the other prescription filled. Not only does the staff not add the note but refills the wring medication, telling me I called for a refill!! Really how could I call for a refill of a bottle I handed back to them to destroy! Oh no my fault they filled the wrong prescription. Unless u like to play Russian Roulette with your health stay far away from this team!! No responsibility to their patients! Lucky they have not killed snyone that we know of!!!
October 2020 by Michael P.
I have to pay for prescriptions out of my own pocket due to a loss of medical insurance after being laid off from COVID-19 circumstances. I tried to use the good RX program but they said that their program through the Walgreens card would save me a lot more money. This was a lie. I tried to drop off a prescription for pregabalin and they wanted almost $100 for a 90 day supply. The pharmacy at Meier's Had the same prescription through with the good RX program for $20.18. When I told them to just give me back the prescription so I can go fill it with the other pharmacy they told me that they lost the paper copy of my prescription. Now I have to go back to my doctor and get them to re-issue the prescription. I guarantee I will never fill another prescription or buy anything at this Walgreens.
July 2020 by Hydro P.
When I went today (mid-July during the 2020 pandemic) none of the three employees I saw were wearing their masks properly. Two had them pulled down exposing their nose, the equivalant of wearing a condom with the tip cut off for masks, and the third who rang me up had hers pulled down to her chin. I almost walked out. They also let in several people without masks, as I saw two people leaving without one and another walking in as I left. This was probably the most unsafe I felt in a store since this outbreak started. You would think people working in such close quarters and SELLING MASKS IN THEIR STORE would have some common courtesy to each other, or at least their customers. I don't think I'll be going back to this location anytime soon.
March 2019 by Luiza D.
Horrible service and staff in the pharmacy. Avoid at all cost!
December 2018 by Stephen M.
Been going here for a few years. It's highly annoying when you ask for ID on a 60 year old man (myself) to buy beer. I'm sure some recent MBA graduate came up with this brilliant idea, but as a customer who just wanted to buy and go home to relax after a very hard day at work, it annoyed me enough to make this complaint and give you one star for low customer service.
October 2017 by Tina Lipkowski
The pharmacy is very slow. The rest of the store is clean. I have good service in other departments.