October 2022 by Ashley T.
Terrible staff, with a few exceptions. Their customer service "managers" like to exercise their tiny bit of "authority " over other employees in an effort to make themselves seem important and relevant. Please, you work at Walmart. You're not important. You're job isn't s**** Just go to work, do your job, get paid, and go home like everyone else. How pathetic must your life be if you have to power trip over a go nowhere, barely above minimum wage job?
August 2022 by T Serenity M.
I've never before seen a cashier at any Walmart give such incredibly poor customer service. Not only did the cashier not make eye contact, he also failed to offer any type of greeting or thanks because he was openly using his phone to text. When the transaction for the customer ahead of us in line was done, the young man robotically tried to hand her the receipt, but he was honestly so into his texting that he never even looked up, and his distracted demeanor made the customer have to reach for the receipt because he was moving so slowly and handing it in the most vague direction rather than directly to her. My experience in line was nearly identical - no greeting, no eye contact, no thanks or even acknowledgement that I existed.
March 2021 by Dwaine M.
Sign on door states location closes at 11pm. We were in the store at 1015pm. Shopping along with other families buying groceries. We find out after shopping that the store was closed at 10 pm and there were no cashiers to check us out. The Pissible manager got on the overhead mic and stated "the store closed and to vacate the location right now" we all like wow. That's how you treat paying famines with carts of groceries and baby formula. I don't get how the internet say 11pm. The sign on door says 11pm. But the employees inside say they close whenever the want to. This was my first stop before going to the telegraph Walmart were that manager again. Closed whenever they wanted to.I just understand the rules or policies of Walmart. Wasn't aware that Walmart's policy was to ignore paying customers or treat them with no respect. I can't say I never return it be lie. It's Walmart. I will be back because I have no choice but I will try to buy less from Walmart stores until someone can tell me what is the real policy. Close when you want or time you post?
August 2020 by David S.
Its Cahokia it not a good place. Lots of tension in the air nobody really wants to be there . But close to home the workers are good for the most part but always a sense of doom.