June 2024 by Darren Cadle
May 31st around 10:30 I attempted to make my way to the GM doors in Walmart on Kirk Road outside of Batavia. Unfortunately, I had an accident walking with my child of eight years old we walk past your ice machine right outside of your bank. I did not know that the ice machine was leaking. There was a caution sign in front of the machine, but nowhere near where I slipped, when I stepped on the mat I was not aware that there was water under the mat was hiding a large puddle of water. Once I slipped a male with pink hair asked if I was being assisted I said no the fall threw me completely off guard, barely able to have the conversation with the gentleman that came to assist me once I got myself together, I was able to stand up on my own, but my body being very sore to today my hip to my knee is in pain every day, but after getting up, coworkers started coming from different directions about 4 to 3 of them stood amongst each other and spoke about knowing that that puddle was sitting underneath the mat and no one doing anything about it watching other customers slip, but not fall previous to me and the store manager at the moment, then came to write a report. I understand that it was a nervous situation, but hearing Michelle talk with a giggle in her voice, as if it was somewhat funny, was more irritating than the actual fall. After I made my report with her I was then told I would be contacted by Walmart corporate with a confirmation number that I would be able to use at the hospital if I needed to go which I did and still am going the lack of care in the store is on believable the lack of the follow up to see that I was OK is unfathomable they stay open to make money but don’t care if someone gets hurt. My body is now in pain because of the careless actions of someone that works there
June 2024 by Nathan Belofsky
So I recently bought some boneless chicken and was about to throw it into a one pot dish when I realized one of the pieces had a bone in it. This could have been so dangerous because I didn’t plan on checking each individual piece of chicken but thank god I flipped it over. I could imagine I wild have broken a tooth had I cooked the food without checking. I leave 3 stars because I love this Walmart but this experience was very unpleasant.
June 2024 by Bahor Yuldasheva
They don't have anything in stock..
June 2024 by p s
They want you to do their job and ring everything up, but when their system screws up they give you an attitude about it.
Why not pay your people to ring the purchase up in the first place? Because elitist Walmart execs think they should roll in cash for doing nothing?
June 2024 by Ron Lichtenberger
Friendly service. Good prices. Very convenient. Often the products they show as in stock when you check the shelves: They aren't!
June 2024 by MaryBeth Hutches
In and out
June 2024 by Northwoods Peach Tree (Northwoods Peach Tree)
Always have fun at Walmart main reason they have self check out .
June 2024 by Ernest Atwood
I only go here when it's convenient. The service is kind of s*****. I hate self checkout and that's pretty much all they have. Save yourself Go anywhere else besides here. Like I said if I have to I do but I'd rather not
June 2024 by Sarah Bergrud
Auto center couldn't change my single tire. Cheapest tire cost me total $100. Took an hour to do this.....
May 2024 by Giovanni Islas
Great variety!
May 2024 by B-Secure USA LLC
They had so much savings!
May 2024 by Brian “WolfmanJack99”
Just stopped in from out of town for a little convenience item and left. Asked an employee for help finding the item. The employee was helpful and then I left.
May 2024 by Scottie Arado
Never ordering from them again....easy order for curbside....2 hours later say can't do it ship for free....took 8 calls just to get someone on the phone, just to say they have to cancel the whole order hahahhaha yall live up to ur expectations
May 2024 by Wave God
Bunch of lazy bozos. You have to jump through hurdles just to edit an order only wanted one thing removed. And they were too dumb to do it so I canceled the whole thing and went to CVS. Hurry up with my refund too or I'm doing a charge back if it's posted on my acc clowns
May 2024 by Kyla Banks
Pickup area is so rude especially when it comes to calling in your order. There is no type of phone training whatsoever, but it’s Walmart not Target or Chick-fil-A so what can you expect? Just be mindful before placing a pickup order here.