August 2023 by Lanita Harrison
Love Jewel-Osco pharmacy great customer service
October 2022 by Tony Scalise
My wife says what do you want for Dinner? I said jewel chicken!! It was awesome!!
August 2022 by Dale/Linda Wagner
Mr. Cornelius was very helpful during the self checkout process. He deserves special recognition for his customer service skills.! You have a gem there. Thanks!!
December 2021 by Margaret Lynn
My father got his booster shot there and ended with an infection. The tech gave him the shot in the wrong spot.
August 2021 by Helen Tomczuk
The amazing staff. Went above and beyond to help me with my locked car.
August 2021 by Robert C. Lemons
my favorite Jewel Food Store
October 2020 by Thomas Regan
Very nice pharmacy. They care about you.
June 2020 by George C.
If I could leave no stars I would, went in today to pick up a few things, I have asthma and cannot wear a mask, the cashier, who also said she was the manager wasn't going to ring up my items without a doctors note, I told her that was ridiculous and if she needed proof, she could check with the pharmacy to see that I have prescriptions for it. I'm tired of these gestapo tactics, there is no law on the books making masks mandatory, only a recommendation when we can't maintain a 6' distance. She finally rang up my order, I was so upset that I had an asthma attack on the way to my car, I'll never set foot in another Jewel again!
April 2020 by Theresa Marie
You guys were so Helpful today, and your manager was Great giving me eggs that werent on tbe list, but really that was last package. You guys Rock as a Team!! Thanm You
March 2020 by Ronald Crawford
The workers are polite & quick yo help no matter what my problem may be
April 2019 by Michael T.
It's Jewel. It's a big chain store with lots of products. Meat isn't very good but the the produce and dairy sections are good. Grocery section is fine. My biggest complaint is with the integrity of the prices. I am routinely overcharged. The problem is that signs reflecting sales are either put up a day too early or taken down a day late. Also many times the signs are misleading. You may think that a product costs $1.99 when in reality the giant displayed price is stating that you are saving $1.99 with the real price being displayed in small, inconspicuous print. They remodeled about two years ago. Store layout is good. Parking lot is huge.
March 2019 by Al G.
I appreciate this Jewel Store. After moving out here from the City and experiencing many local Jewel stores there this is really a jewel of... well Jewels. The staff are mostly very friendly. The store shelves are well stocked. The dates on the produts are cycled properly. Some of the better produce you will come across I feel bad for the deli department sometimes because they are often slammed but they do a good jobs. So for everyone dissatisfied with this store I'll take you on a field trip into the City, and you might appreciate what you have.
March 2019 by Stephen M.
I have been coming here to this Jewel store for the last few months to kill time while my son is in Tae Kwon Do at Master Yoon's down the street. The produce department is always immaculate, well organized, and the food is always fresh. Most workers have seemed professional and friendly. There have been a few that looked like they hate life, but this is unavoidable in today's culture. Overall, super happy to come here. Love the different sales. Great liquor section. Excellent ethnic (Jewish/Asian/Latino) sections too. Huge freezer food/pizza/dessert section, very clean and organized, well stocked. Great store. Love coming here to shop regularly.
January 2019 by Anna Russo- Plada
The people that work here give amazing customer support. Especially the management. Store is very clean and inviting.
December 2018 by JoAnne P.
As I said in the past, five stars for cleanliness and five stars for staff. The friendliest cashiers, and managers. They do need more knowledgeable produce staff and to educate the produce staff better on spotting out spoiled produce. I have such a hard time finding Arugula in that store, and when I do it goes bad in just a few days. Week of Thanksgiving Arugula WAS in stock, the problem......... it was all mushy in the plastic containers it comes in. They have them standing up on the cooler shelf where it's spring loaded, as you pull one out, the other is pushed up. It was all mushy, slimy and watery where green water found its way through the crimped seal and was dripping out all over my sleeve. Checked the rest of them on shelf and sadly they were all the same. So I bring it to the "produce" staff member's attention on duty who looked to be not even old enough to hold a drivers license. I walked him to the Arugula and I asked him if they had more in back because this was all spoiled and should be taken off the shelf. His response....."yeah sure"! Never looked in back, couldn't care less. Don't have a problem with Arugula in other stores. And of course, the meat department is stiiiiillllllll the same. Very sparse product, few packages and hardly ever Family packs. Still putting out a few frozen packs at a time as they thaw out and are sold, only then they will add more. Their method of preventing the meat to go bad. And the two pound beef roasts (top tound, bottom, sirloin tip) crack me up. You cook those, and they're down to one pound. What happen to the five pound plus big roasts you could cook for the whole family? Although they have added all the little coolers in the aisle going across with more chicken. Meat department continues to shrink. Seafood department is way more stocked than the meat. Seafood counter/cooler looks great, plenty of fresh fish, shrimp etc..... nice job on that!!!!! Focus on the meat counter. Independently owned stores have a huge meat department, totally stacked because the prices are ridiculously lower, even in the deli department.......... way lower prices. People come in for convenience and sale items but meat and deli items, they go elsewhere.