Campbell Auto Sales
Auto Repair,
Used CarsHours:
355 E 7th St, Weiser ID 83672 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
August 2024
A trustworthy and experienced auto service and repair shop.
July 2023
I have been asking around town for a good mechanic and everyone I met have mentioned Campbells auto. Trustworthy and fair are the words specifically used. I will try them out. This is a family run business.
February 2023
I'm new to the Weiser area. In asking around for a good mechanic Campbell Auto was mentioned with enthusiasm. My first repair work proved fast, economical and trustworthy. Am thrilled to have found this good shop and kindly mechanic. Although he's overloaded with work, I'll wait in line for an opening!
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About Campbell Auto Sales
Campbell Auto Service is a trusted name in the auto repair industry, proudly serving our community for over three decades. With 32 years of experience under our belt, we have built a solid reputation for delivering top-notch quality and expertise to our valued customers. Our range of services includes essential maintenance tasks such as oil changes, lube oil filter service, and minor repairs. We understand the importance of keeping your vehicle in peak condition, which is why our skilled technicians use the latest tools and techniques to deliver efficient and reliable results. Trust Campbell Auto Service with all your automotive needs, and experience the difference of our long-established commitment to excellence.
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