“Tony Bozzuto and his Team - Nick & Jack & his extended team of Pedro & Danny (and Roberts Electric) -- all came together to do an exceptional job from the purchase to the installation of my Whirlpool fridge, stove top/oven, microwave & dishwasher!And I recommend installing the tip over safety rail (metal piece in shape of a L) for the slide in stove to make sure it doesn't tip over. Didn't harm my floor at all as is installed on the back of the stove!”
“Tony Bozzuto and his Team - Nick & Jack & his extended team of Pedro & Danny (and Roberts Electric) -- all came together to do an exceptional job from the purchase to the installation of my Whirlpool fridge, stove top/oven, microwave & dishwasher!And I recommend installing the tip over safety rail (metal piece in shape of a L) for the slide in stove to make sure it doesn't tip over. Didn't harm my floor at all as is installed on the back of the stove!”