May 2019 by Chanda M.
Bibelots and Curios and Santas, Oh My!! The business card reads "antiques, vintage, old junk". I did not know how much I would enjoy such a treasure hunt! I used to scoff at ~all second-hand wares for myself, when I was younger. At present, I might be morphing into one of those gals of a certain age who occasionally "goes antiquing". My first visit to this store today yielded a quintet of fortuitous treasures for my home and backyard patio areas. I don't take very long to shop for anything, except for groceries. Some sparkling treasures caught my eyes right away, and I had many questions for the shop owner, a good-natured gentleman with a gentle sense of humor. Is the store truly cluttered? Yes, to some extent, as the space is small and many of the treasures, large and small, are not "standard" size or shape. Be very careful in here. It's best not to bring kids under age 10 or to go with more than 1 or 2 others with you. Go outside of weekends and special events, if possible. I hope some of you have respect for the histories, yarns, and rich symbolism these bibelots and curios carry within them. Perhaps you may sense energies of others, in many of these objects, as I sometimes do. The wares change, and some are gained from estate sales, I was told. That would be the case for the items I bought. Ah, how very REASONABLE the prices are, from what I could tell!! I was so tickled at this, and I felt that I got some great bargains!! For 4 of my items with Italian marble, 3 with leaded glass and German-origin parts, and a door key in a unique shape (for a future craft project), my pocketbook was less than a few hundred bucks lighter. I will need to re-work most of my purchases with craft paints, sanding, and other touches, with help from someone who is in the know. Or Youtube videos and books. The owner very kindly brought out the heavier pieces into my car for me, after wrapping and boxing them expertly. I'll be back for sure, and next time, with eager hubby in tow, as he's a history and art geek with a heart belonging in olden times.