Foreign Engines Inc
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts
1422 N Government Way, Coeur d'Alene ID 83814
Most Recent Comments
November 2023
Unfortunately we have also had issues with this company. Would not recommend.
September 2023
I asked about a simple return and this guy will gives me a physics lesson acting all cool to me? If he acts better in person i will rate higher stars but so far not lookin good for him
August 2022
they did not have what i needed but they were very helpful in directing me to where to go
More Comments(20)
From Foreign Engines Inc
We are a local and family owned JDM importer, started in 1982 and serving Washington, Idaho and northern Oregon. We specialize in exact fitment engines, transmissions, high performance, and used JDM parts. We are one of the oldest and most trusted JDM importers in the USA and maintain one of the largest JDM to USDM interchanges. Call us today!
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