January 2024 by Juli R.
I can't put into words my gratitude for this small owned company! Not having oxygen, and having a medical emergency on hospice- they will get to you before you can run out of air! Literal live savers!
November 2023 by Travis Richardson
Oct 31st around 3 we were driving from IF to poky when a string of cars were entering freeway from Blackfoot southbound. One of their company vehicles being driving by a string bean 18 year old kiddo with hipster shades and cap decided to double cut the lanes at 60 mph to pass a semi truck that was also entering the interstate cutting us off badly.Doesn’t stop there. Mr. Fresh off the print license boy decides to turn into Paul Walker in his little white truck and whip through traffic at 90+ and tail us all the way to poky.Hopefully it was a medical emergency. Putting my 2 year old and pregnant wife at risk to relive 2 fast 2 furious fantasies is a wild way to live
November 2023 by Rebecca Fisher
I don’t know about their medical equipment but while on the interstate today one of their drivers cut in front of us while going 60 so we had to slam on our breaks. He then continued to speed, tail us & drive erratically all the way to Pocatello. With a 2 year old son & another baby on the way this was super upsetting.