Amazing! Everyone is super nice and friendly! The bike rentals are very reasonably priced too. They're simple and easy to use making it easy to see the island from a new perspective! They're easy to use and can make a lot of places accessible that would be difficult otherwise!!!
November 2023
My husband and I had a wonderful adventure, thanks to Keola and the e-bikes. He was knowledgeable about route suggestions and the bike delivery/service was top notch, yet reasonably priced. Absolutely recommend Hawa E-bikes.
November 2023
Wonderful experience! They provided a gorgeous route and the bikes were incredible. Highly recommend.
We are Hawa E-Bikes, your ultimate destination for ebike enthusiasts on the Big Island of Hawaii! We offer a wide range of services, including ebike rentals, sales, and exhilarating guided tours that immerse you in the island's natural wonders. As passionate advocates of sustainable living, we are dedicated to providing eco-friendly transportation options that allow you to explore our island responsibly. Our top-notch electric bikes (ebikes) enable you to embark on unforgettable adventures. We also deliver and pickup our ebikes to select locations and trailheads for maximum convenience. Join us in our mission to promote sustainable living and embrace the beauty of Hawaii in a responsible and thrilling way.