March 2018 by Oh My Stinky Credit
The guy Mo is a out of control sexual offender, very disrepecful. He offended me in his store with gender and sexual innuendos. He is a liar. If you are a female do not go in there alone. He is too sexually comfortable in his dialogue with us women. I'm pretty sure he would not speak to his mother our sister the way he spoke me. He even ask if I prefer the same gender, out of no where. Didnt see that coming. I can't even explained how this came into the converstion or why he would ask me such a question from a transction of goods. I am a grown full professional woman and very spiritual. I dont know if him making an accusation regarding my sexual preferrence had me more bother, or why he was comfortable and causual to ask me such a question. If this is how he is casually just imagine how he is leisurely. This place also has the same owners from Reem Beauty and Beyond on Watson. The owner works from this location and took the report and of course the offender denied it and they are related. Please beware of such perverts lurking in place you dont expect especially while you shop. They will no longer recieve my hard earn money.