“I like this walmart but today we purchased hot food that I did not notice was rang up at the wrong price till my kid was passing it out to his brother's. A snack (1 chicken wing, fries) was supposed to be 2.48 and was rang in at 6.87 as something else. I had ordered 3 of these so it was quite a difference and I came back to customer service to have it corrected (I just wanted the refund for the difference). They were acting like I was trying to steal food asking each other and saying it was correct without even opening the bags to see that it was not the same thing on the tag that was in the bags. The resolve they decided on was to refund me for the items and throw them away, perfectly good food I was just seeking the difference I was charged wrongly back.
The lady at the hot food counter when I went back was apologetic (accidents happen I wasn't worried about that, I just let her know so we can make sure the prices came out right).
I just thought someone higher up at Walmart should know about this. It was really crappy and could have been handled better. Even a gentleman behind us I heard him say "they're lying" which was not true.”
“Full disclosure: This store has been an integral part of my life for many years. Some residents of Villa Rica may not remember the town before Mirror Lake and the boom of commercial and residential building. When Villa Rica was nothing more than a single road going through town that fit the saying, "if you blink you will miss it." When the town's cuisine consisted solely of Ruby's diner and Gilly's BBQ and all of our shopping was done at the Family Dollar. Nestled in the town's oldest shopping center beside Big Buy (now Farmers Furniture) and adjacent to the Villa Theatre (now The Watering Hole) many a family would stop by on a Sunday to get what home goods they would need for the week. This is where I was with my two brothers on a cold January morning in 1989 following a house fire in which we lost everything. Dressed just in our pajamas a neighbor had taken us to Family Dollar to pick up some clothes and shoes since ours had been consumed by the flames along with everything else we owned. I remember the manager was so heartbroken at our condition she insisted on us having some snacks and drinks on her and I've always suspected my neighbor wasn't allowed to pay for our clothes. Years before this was the same Family Dollar my mother drug me back into so I could return a stolen pack of gum and face the wrath of the cashier, who did nothing except give me a disappointed look that was worse than the whipping my mom gave me later. Now as an adult I can come into the store and if I look really hard and squint my eyes I can imagine being there as a kid those long years ago. And while the store is still there everything else around it has changed. If you've been to the Family Dollar recently then you will note that the store is always very clean and organized. The staff seems to take great pride in the care and maintenance of the store and inventory. Unlike at the other dollar stores in town you won't find aisles cluttered with boxes of merchandise and leftover trash. Instead you will find clean aisles and stocked shelves. If you have trouble finding something the staff is always willing to assist, even if the thing you were looking for is right in front of you. I know I can always count on them having all the movie candy and Mtn Dew I need for those Netflix binge watching weekends, and don't forget the seasonal assortment of yard thingies that either make my yard the tackiest in the neighborhood or makes my neighbors so so jealous 😎. Finally, just by watching the interactions between customers and whom I assume is the manager I get the sense that she really feels the family in Family Dollar. The customers talk to her like they have all been old friends and it brings me back to the Family Dollar I knew as a kid. Sometimes I think Villa Rica lost some of its charm and innocence in the last decades of its growing developments, but then I think I still see it at the Family Dollar.”
“Very well organized this location alway's have what I look for verses other locations. The other locations are nice to I do still shop there. It could be certain item's that are popular.”