January 2024 by Shirley Brown
Easy to drop off packages
December 2023 by Alan Smith
Well to start with the lady told me that the package would be picked up yesterday this is a little bit before 1:00 that I dropped it off I go back by there at 7:30 p.m. it is still there FedEx still has not contacting me to let me know they have picked my package up
February 2023 by Betty Burkett
Love it all
December 2022 by matthew campbell
Fast and helpful
December 2022 by tanya Riley
In and out quickly.
September 2022 by Google user
I couldn't use a drop box because of the nature of my shipment. It was new years eve and places were closing early all across town, including the other fed ex on site location which was closer to my home! The procrastinator inside me who caused this dilemma disregarded the fact I had 16 min until closing and I was 18 min away! I had to try, I think I can make it if I get all green lights and I'm not behind a slow poke! Well! I did make it there just in time with about 2 min to go before closing... but my packaging was all in the trunk, my Samsung phone that's getting sent is in my purse, unwrapped. These young women, both teenagers and seeming to be immeasurably more mature and responsible than i, both trying to get done with work and out to their new years eve festivities, they saw me struggling with the packaging, the boxes, the tape which kept adhering to itself... they were so patient and helpful! With a deep sigh, the one went to lock the door so no more came in as the other came to assist me in effectively wrapping and securing my device into the packaging so it wouldn't be damaged. They didn't rush. They calmed my own nerves which were still jangled with the fear of not getting that phone in by the deadline and being charged $600 on my card! These girls were amazing! I appreciated their assistance and patience and understanding so much, I tried to tip them but they pushed my money away, saying it was just their job and gratuities weren't allowed. Thanks girls, I didn't get your names in all the rush, but I appreciate you both, have a happy and healthy new year!!!
July 2022 by Cathy King
The kids enjoyedMixing their dip
June 2022 by Dollard Home Improvements
Everything was good
May 2022 by Sonya Reid
Very friendly worker's and they worker very quickly even if there's a crowd they move fast. And the gentleman is so funny. Go here not there ?
January 2022 by Jen Ray
I couldn't use a drop box because of the nature of my shipment. It was new years eve and places were closing early all across town, including the other fed ex on site location which was closer to my home! The procrastinator inside me who caused this dilemma disregarded the fact I had 16 min until closing and I was 18 min away! I had to try, I think I can make it if I get all green lights and I'm not behind a slow poke! Well! I did make it there just in time with about 2 min to go before closing... but my packaging was all in the trunk, my Samsung phone that's getting sent is in my purse, unwrapped. These young women, both teenagers and seeming to be immeasurably more mature and responsible than i, both trying to get done with work and out to their new years eve festivities, they saw me struggling with the packaging, the boxes, the tape which kept adhering to itself... they were so patient and helpful! With a deep sigh, the one went to lock the door so no more came in as the other came to assist me in effectively wrapping and securing my device into the packaging so it wouldn't be damaged. They didn't rush. They calmed my own nerves which were still jangled with the fear of not getting that phone in by the deadline and being charged $600 on my card! These girls were amazing! I appreciated their assistance and patience and understanding so much, I tried to tip them but they pushed my money away, saying it was just their job and gratuities weren't allowed. Thanks girls, I didn't get your names in all the rush, but I appreciate you both, have a happy and healthy new year!!!
June 2021 by Marcia Todd
Pretty good place. I have only one complaint at christmas one of my grand daughter didn't get her cookies in her box. First time they messed up with me.