July 2023 by Google user
Amazon Warehouse Employees that work the flex area are completely miserable. Not all, but the two women working on laptops. They are just miserable. Always ready to dismiss drivers instead of helping. It’s a waste of time to speaking with them. The answer is always we CANT HELP YOU or CALL DRIVERS SUPPORT. Driver support was on the phone with me at the time I was speaking with Amazon warehouse employees. She even thought they were very dismissive and apologized on their behalf. Just a shame, misery loves company.
May 2023 by N N
May 2023 by Rigan Prince
Long drive to work but it was peaceful to say the least
May 2023 by Ashley Conley
I'm not sure if my drivers come from here or another warehouse but I live right by it and I get items so quickly and the drivers are always really friendly.
December 2022 by Jordan0871
It's not as bad as some of the other reviews have made it out to be.. but there are some flaws... A lot of the drivers are lazy and don't want to push their carts back up to the warehouse. It only takes 30 seconds to put your cart back. You still have a 1-2 hour drive/block ahead of you so just take the cart back up so the other drivers that back in to these parking spaces don't have to deal with your lazyness.
December 2022 by Cassandra
I don't work there I just drop off and pick up a relative whom work thete.
December 2022 by Yoofi Flores
Glad I left i couldn’t stand abrias unprofessional work as a supervisor , avoid this place at all cost .
October 2022 by Jordan S
Was thinking about coming back here for work but I have been here once for a pickup to deliver but they said they didn't have the order and I waited and waited. They then proceed to scratch their head as to why I was there so late in the night saying there shouldn't be any orders and it was a mistake and canceled the order. I got paid for the block but still it was my first Amazon fresh and it was a nightmare. I saw all these negative reviews and me personally having issues with working with Amazon flex don't need this. Maybe they will fix the issues that are here but yet maybe they don't read the reviews and will never change but unfortunately I feel the information here is accurate and I am not sure I will come here for work not worth risking my standings for this and especially not worth getting deactivated.
September 2022 by JON MACLEAN
“Next Day Delivery” is a joke. Always delayed. I don’t trust AMAZON!
September 2022 by Yrn Jasper
Never coming back here again. You obviously don't need flex drivers because you mistreat them. The warehouse manager is not a flex drivers manager. They are the managers of the warehouse and even Amazon support doesn't understand what an independent contractor is. The other warehouses are way smoother to work with and management will not dismiss you. They will help you get your packages, it's that simple.
September 2022 by Jae Hardin
The area manager HARRIETT goal is to hurt flex drivers rather then help them and when she doesn't know what to do she will not grab her superior for help. People have been deactivated because of whatever this warehouse is doing. Be careful. 8/30 9:30PM I arrived early for my rock taking the selfie they want. Harriett would NOT give me any packages and sent me home she's not my manager and deleted the block and now the pay I shoulda been paid for that is lost and Amazon support can't find it and they want to close the case. So now I've reported it to the government in my state. Deperment of labor, attorney state general, eeoc and BBB, try filing your comaints with them because Amazon support can't find anything then they ignore you.
September 2022 by Jael Hardin
AVOID FLEX DRIVERS This warehouse messes up more than the rest. I lost my lisence here, HR was so sweet to help me look for it, a warehouse associate took it and I haven't seen it since. I had to go to the DMV for a new one and everyone knows they give you a paper document and for 45 buisness days I will be waiting for a new lisence. Every warehouse manually keys me in due to situation not being my fault but Harriett the area WAREHOUSE manager here (flex does not have managers) dismissed me because she thinks I have a print out of my lisence rather than a official document from DDS so she would not give me any packages. She even said I'm dismissed and Amazon will pay me. She's not my manager to dismiss me, but the block went missing from my earnings so I will not be paid at all for even showing on time and they make you take these selfies when you check in, and Amazon support does not see it. Harriett is new and knows very well that she is hurting others so people do not address her actions. Why didn't she just do like every other facility and the manager just keys in my lisence number and boom I'm delivering no problem. If she doesn't understand GA law please just ask your supervisor. So Harriett stole my pay and Amazon can't figure out what happened. DO NOT COME HERE. I've been with Amazon for a year and this location is new and they act like it can't close either. I notice they close apart of employees are trying to hurt the independent contractors rather than help them which in return will help the associates.
September 2022 by Tricia Hardin
AVOID FLEX DRIVERS This warehouse messes up more than the rest. I lost my lisence here, HR was so sweet to help me look for it, a warehouse associate took it and I haven't seen it since. I had to go to the DMV for a new one and everyone knows they give you a paper document and for 45 buisness days I will be waiting for a new lisence. Every warehouse manually keys me in due to situation not being my fault but Harriett the area WAREHOUSE manager here (flex does not have managers) dismissed me because she thinks I have a print out of my lisence rather than a official document from DDS so she would not give me any packages. She even said I'm dismissed and Amazon will pay me. She's not my manager to dismiss me, but the block went missing from my earnings so I will not be paid at all for even showing on time and they make you take these selfies when you check in, and Amazon support does not see it. Harriett is new and knows very well that she is hurting others so people do not address her actions. Why didn't she just do like every other facility and the manager just keys in my lisence number and boom I'm delivering no problem. If she doesn't understand GA law please just ask your supervisor. So Harriett stole my pay and Amazon can't figure out what happened. DO NOT COME HERE. I've been with Amazon for a year and this location is new and they act like it can't close either. I notice they close apart of employees are trying to hurt the independent contractors rather than help them which in return will help the associates.
August 2022 by Your Momma
Abria becoming supervisor was the worst thing they could do lol, place is getting worse day by day oh well glad i left
July 2022 by Phillip Greenwood
Trash, the drivers here do not know what an apartment address is. They have, 3 times, put my packages at the wrong address. I can no longer have anything sent to my house.