Logic Auto Service LLC
Auto RepairHours:
57 Jonesboro Rd, Fairburn GA 30213 Hours
About Logic Auto Service LLC
English or Espanol Labor Rates Starts at $120 an Hour. Diagnostics Fee Starts at $80. Deposit MUST be provided to work on vehicles.. We specialize in Imports, Domestics and European Automobiles. We also offer performance modifications and repairs. We also do Diagnostics/Check Engine Light , Emission Repairs, Engine or Transmission Replacement, Tune-Ups, Electrical, Brakes, Suspension, General Mechanic Repairs and more.. Unwanted and Abandon Vehicles (After 30 Days) will receive a Lean for unpaid repairs and will be TOWED or OWNED! Storage Fee of $50 a day will apply after 3 days of repair completion. Logic Auto Service LLC is not responsible for theft, damages or any kind of liability. PLEASE CALL OR TEXT TO BOOK APPOINTMENT!
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