It's an insurance company, so no reason to be very excited. Several years back, I went looking for lower rates but GFB still beat all the others. Don't try calling them around a holiday: they close early.
December 2019
Worst place to get auto insurance. They thank you for being a loyal customer by jacking up your rates every 6 months for having a perfect driving record,you might as well go to another place where they don't do this
December 2019
Nice being able to drop in to local office. Been a loyal customer since 1989
Georgia Farm Bureau is an insurance company that provides protection and peace-of-mind for your family as well as a federation that represents farmers and their work. Georgia Farm Bureau offers coverage for virtually every line of insurance in the state. In addition to our own products, your local Georgia Farm Bureau agent has strategic partnerships with the finest insurance providers in the industry. As the premier voice for agriculture in Georgia, Georgia Farm Bureau works earnestly to support a safe and abundant food supply that not only feeds Georgians, but the growing world as well.