This is the FedEx to use if you want to be quoted one amount and charged 5x the quote.This is the FedEx to use if you want to be charged $15 to send a FedEx package 5 hours before the drop deadline for a medical package that they just don’t send.Twice in tears from this FedEx this week. Do not use them.
December 2023
This is the FedEx to use if you want to be quoted one amount and charged 5x the quote. This is the FedEx to use if you want to be charged $15 to send a FedEx package 5 hours before the drop deadline for a medical package that they just don’t send. Twice in tears from this FedEx this week. Do not use them.
October 2023
They charge a $10 fee to ship all packages that already have a pre paid label. They said this is their “convenience fee”