I have been a patient of Dr Sudhir Agarwahl for a couple years now. I recommend him and his team for your cardio needs. Many patients do as well based on my observations.
January 2024
Corina was awesome and very compassionate and helpful. I have been coming to Dr. Agarwal for years and they are great.
January 2024
Very comfortable going here always friendly and you get great care also you feel like at ease cause they explain things about your health..
Florida Cardiology Associates is a cardiology group practicing in Trinity, Hudson, New Port Richey and Land O’ Lakes, Florida with 40+ years of combined cardiology experience. The practice was originally founded by Dr. Sudhir Agarwal (an interventional cardiologist practicing since 1993) and later joined by Dr. Robert Ledbetter in 2008. With cardiac diseases being the leading cause of death in the United States of America, our goal is to reduce its occurrence through the use of aggressive disease prevention, acute care management, and education. Our staff of highly-skilled cardiologists will be available 24/7 in order to help you.