June 2024 by Sdas “CREATURE”
They should just take the loss and close this store.the doors almost always have signs on them due to some issue.or they are just closed, I gave up and no longer stop there.
May 2024 by timothy duncan
Not the place to stop at in the morning
April 2024 by Ty Carhart
Dirty. Trash cans overflowing and trash all over the parking lot. Inside is always in disarray. They close at random times claiming the computers went down but it's due to no employees showing up to work, so they just close the store.
March 2024 by Brigette Carrillo
Literally teenage attendants had their pants so low that their male genitalia print was above their pant line and could not hear worth of anything AND did not maintain the bathroom to any sanitation standards. Please look at the cameras and rehire as you see fit. Very gross impactfuly negative experience.
January 2024 by fahim imam
Yall this circle k is terrible. You have to put in your phone number or you end up on this endless loop of hitting ok/enter and cancel. They only way to get the card reader to work is to run you card twice throw the machine. If you’re able to get the pump started it will starting blaring ads so loud it makes it difficult to think and there is no way to disable the sound, the normal black button hack has been disabled. Finally there is never any receipt paper. Never. Avoid this gas station, for you sanity.
January 2024 by Michael Gardner
Someone needs to fire Kiki, the woman working this morning. Worst customer service in any location every time I see her. I don't know what her problem is but she should not be the face of your company at this store
January 2024 by John Gordon
Clerk refused to let me check myself out using self checkout kiosk, couldn't explain why, all but called me a thief. Avoid this place.
December 2023 by Dan O
There giving free stuff out tonight at the Weems location. 3 individuals working without name tags not charging after coming back in to pay telling me to just take it without paying
December 2023 by Shannon Todd
Free night at this location. Employees giving things away while eating those nasty hotdogs
September 2023 by Chris Williams
Low stock on most stuff. Zero hot food. All icee machines down. Oh, and there was shockingly no receipt paper in the pump. This is the second Circle K visit in town today. Both sucked.
June 2023 by James F
Pumps dont work. Keeps giving errors
June 2023 by D A
Probably the most hood gas station on this side of Monroe.
May 2023 by Sharon Mohr-Green
No cards accepted at all pumps. 3 of us 2 trucks n 1 car. What happened?
March 2023 by RBRUMFIELD
"Just take it, I don't care!" Your monthly drink phone number system is down and I was ready to punch in my number for my daily drink. I paid for it already, I should not have to pay due to technical issues. Please learn proper customer service.
February 2023 by Ashlee Lynn
It's Circle K, it's what you expect. Cashier's never look very happy to be there, the place is not spic and span but it will work, they keep bathrooms decent if you absolutely have to go and everything is overpriced except for the Polar Pops!