“We have had such an excellent experience with Johnathan and the fine people at Owens Custom Rugs. His knowledge and skills are top tier, and the selection of carpet and rugs is unmatched. We could not recommend a business more highly than this one!”
“Excellent customer service! While planning my kitchen and family room remodel I went to 9 different places. I wanted a red oak type of flooring to match what's in the rest of the house (that flooring was no longer available to purchase). I was told by everyone except Julie that red oak is "out of style" and I should be installing what everyone else wants. No one offered to help me find the flooring I wanted. In some cases sales personnel tried to shame me into switching to one of the new neutrals (neutrals are here to stay, no one's going back to those old outdated styles). One guy told me I'd never be able to sell my house if I didn't get the new neutral (gray, gray/brown or beige) flooring. Never mind that I'm not interested in selling my house; I'm interested in enjoying it while I'm living here. Julie was the only sales person who didn't make me feel stupid, but instead seemed to understand how I felt. She spent a lot of time with me going over what they carried, explaining that they, too, had to stock what people are currently buying, but that I could look at the manufacturers' sites to see what was available that wasn't currently on the floor. She then ordered samples of the different flooring that I found online at those manufacturers' sites but I wasn't happy with any of those. Most importantly, she gave me a sample of the flooring that I ended up buying. It wasn't on display because it's a red oak color but it matches almost perfectly with my existing floors (I had a sample of my existing floor with me). When I say "almost" I mean 99.5% match. I don't think anyone but me will ever know it's not the same flooring. I am SOOOO happy I went to Jerry Smith Flooring. I was ready to pay a ton of money to re-floor the entire house and I didn't have to do that, thanks to Julie's excellent customer service. I highly recommend Jerry Smith Flooring & Design Center.”