Towing near Ramrod Key, FL

3 locations found near Ramrod Key

“RIDICULOUSI was driving down a road (the road) and suddenly a big burly man in a tow truck comes driving straight for the back of my car! He hooks onto me (Not in THAT way) and starts speeding me off to the middle of nowhere! We get there and he shows me some silly boy(??? He was saying it weird). He then leans in (the tow truck man) and says, "wanna see a more southernmoster place?" and then he sticks his tongue in my EAR! Obviously i am on board with anything he says from this point forward (because he stuck his tongue in my ear) and next thing i know my car is being dragged to the bottom of the ocean. 3 (three) hours later we remerge on some little island in the middle of the ocean (???) and points to a little cardboard box that says "The real true southernmostest point of the continental U.S.A.!" I'm in awe! I am still here. The tow truck man has disappeared along with my car! It's ok though because some other guy is here talking about his dead mother. 5/5 excellent service, IF what you want is to end up in the middle of the ocean with no way home.”

3 Average15 Reviews