June 2023 by Tia Clay
Don’t do it the reviews are true you will waste your time from the drug test to the orientation wonder why one of HR is leaving… she knows
May 2023 by Alexis Bell
This job is so unprofessional that the staff are all disorganized. I am still going back and forth with my supervisor and human resources on my schedule. How do I work a new schedule for a week and a half and then say oh that schedule was not approved?"" How does that make sense. Every time I answer calls, members say oh thank you for not hanging up on me, the person just before you hung up on me, etcI have good percentages etc shouldn't even have to explain. BUT SAVE URSELFS FROM A MISAERABLE COMPANY. When I 1st started, I had 2 training instructors they been with the company for some years now get this those same two, the training instructors resigned, so that clearly says something. Should have really taken that as a sign. Leticia Acala is by far the worst supervisor she doesn't even properly know how to send emails there's always a mistake on her spelling simple words and I shouldn't have to go back and forth so being a professional that I am I am speaking with HR to fix all of this!!! But please save urselfs from the stress and unprofessional staff.Working for this company for 6 months now and it's by far the worse job I've ever had. BEWARE of Convey! You would think working from home would make it easier but no it really doesn't. There's little to no communication on subjects you have to find out for yourself sometimes. Management seems to be clueless at times, the employees be knowing a little more than the managers sometimes, sad to say. But this company needs to do BETTER as a WHOLE.
January 2023 by Ross Du4
They will lie to you, force you to work overtime on a moments notice and have absolutely zero humanity or even credibility the supervisors there are beyond incompetent let alone the “ favorites” game they play when workers have questions supervisors will leave those they do not like hanging and make everyone uncomfortable. Supervisors will also give you wrong information then straight up lie when you attempt to say it was them when it was!!!! And if you not one of Tessa Pressages favorites you will be lied to lied on and ignored until it gets you in trouble for not k owing what to do I have personally interacted with her and the only word that comes to mind is either extremely prejudiced or down right rascist
September 2022 by MeMe
Worked for this company for over a year and it's by far the worse job I've ever had. BEWARE of Convey! You would think working from home would make it easier but no it really doesn't. There's little to no communication on subjects you have to find out for yourself sometimes. Management seems to be clueless at times, the employees be knowing a little more than the managers sometimes, sad to say. But this company needs to do BETTER as a WHOLE.
July 2022 by brianna harris
Worst place for employment sups and managers are very rude some could be racist
February 2022 by Brooklyn Baller
I worked there for a few months, Its easy money but they don't inform you of the test you have to take once your hired. And you only move forward if you pass that test. Constantly changing schedules, there is no supervision or communication skills with this company. Its pretty much figure it out yourself. If you try to take days off that you earned they take points away from you. If you ask a supervisor for help Goodluck bc they are all rude and tell you to figure it out. Do not apply and If you do read all the reviews bc its all true.ohh and everday there is a different story.
September 2021 by J P
Heather hyland is unprofessional, rude, and bad mouths her co workers . And that also carries over in her personal life . She likes to sue people, take there doggs . Stay away from doing business with her.
July 2021 by Angela MEmon
I work there for a 1 year and we always do overtime and and they do promotion and when i left they didnt give me my check of the promotion that i work so they keep the money and i call hr and know one anwer the phone ,,
May 2021 by XO XO
No appreciation and no loyalty. You can work there for years and still get 11hr,and they have you working before you punch in,illegal. If you use your pto,that you have earned,they remove it from your final check, illegal. They dont retain good people,and mistreat the good ones they have. They have been reported to dept of labor.
March 2021 by Kathy Green
Great place to work
December 2020 by Vanessa Jones
The experience over all is great except security at the front counter with the accent is horribly rude! He really make u want to turn around and say forget this job!
October 2020 by Judnie Gedeon :p
The facility is very nice and clean. I went there for a job interview and the people there were friendly.
September 2020 by Monica Johnson
Such nice people! Great atmosphere.
September 2020 by Mychael Kelly
Nice place
May 2020 by Roxana Callentine
Love my job