May 2024 by Christopher M
I were kicked out because director said I'm homophobic because I complained about a fellow pier who who were being passive flirtatious whom I didn't want to engage so I complained to staff. in which the program is religious and homosexuality is against the bible. I ignored the guy 5 times he still kept speaking to me in which I made it clear of no involvements staff said I must respond to him even though it made me uncomfortable
so I wrote a formal complaint director threw my paper back at me and said pack my stuff smh. i relapsed the same night smh
April 2024 by Flavio Kronig
Terrible experience! Salvation ? about what? Business making profit to the Ceo..dont dont dropped nothing there..they will call your things trash right in your face,they dont want only 8n exellent condition...i was even helping the employer bringing .my closed.. i had only for one year and as soon as we dropped one of them came to us saying they wont take ..to take back just like that! rude guy.. evil people...calling what i had was trash...i toldthegut that might be trash for ypu but notforthe ones in needed...he couldnt care less ...i did call the company before and they were saying bring on...anyway before i left i went to this man in charge there to express my frustration s we thrown me out ofthere saying i should not be there...who.i was? You dont talk to someone like that when you are expressi g your frustarions they way they conduct this place they dont deserve a chair droppe there...you dont talk to someone like that..i am.a man not a rat.bad peole ,i felt discriminate.dont dont dropped nothng there guys..dont
give this people money..they dont deserved..
September 2023 by Maria Dao
Waited for them all morning, driver called me and said he was 15 min away, never turned up. I called him back a couple of times and he didn’t pick up. Got a call from “customer service” guy who said the driver had turned up to my address, but I wasn’t there which is a total lie because I have been here all day.He proceeded to blame me for his driver not bothering turning up and gave me attitude when I insisted I have been at my house all day waiting for them. To which he started fabricating his own reality that there is a problem with the gate in my neighborhood… What a joke of “customer service”. That’s how this guys is trained, blame the person donating the goods… and the driver not even attempted to contact me or take my calls to explain why he wasted my entire morning… Shame on these employees who the Salvation Army organization a bad name.
May 2023 by Shooter M.
The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilition Center Orlando is a place that slaves drug addicts and drug-addicted shelterless people. If you don't put up and shut up, you will get bullied, singled out, and cussed at by the staff member and more senior beneficiaries. and if you say anything or retaliate the way they do things in there, they will reply with "remember, you chose to come here, we didn't force you." (My reply to that is, I was under the impression that I came to get rid of drug habits, not military boot camp.)To be honest with you, this place is run by ex crack heads who are supposedly rehabilitated, and led by the captain and his family, who are the only staff, I assume that were not graduates of the rehab program but through the salvation army system. As the saying goes, the employees are a reflection of their Leader and with staff like this the Captain and his family are little devils in disguise (pretending to be do gooders and really benefiting off the vulnerability of these people that enter the program).As a result, being that this place is run by heavy ex drug addicts, you can clearly see that nobody knows what the F they're doing. From the intake, I was showing the intake coordinator how to write complete sentences as he was typing my information.Nobody is on the same page. One staff member will tell you one thing and another will tell you another thing. Therefore, you will continuously get scolded for something you thought was allowed. Then one staff member, named Charles aka Chuck, who is the "resident manager" uses profanity a lot, verbally attacks, and talks down to people in here making them feel less then, when it is not the fault of the person but the disorganization of the program. He likes to tell the new guys, did you read the rules of the program (because most people don't bother to read it) and puts them down like that. So, when you eventually read the rule book for the program and find out that nothing he's enforcing is written in it, and then try approaching him and he replies, "Oh I guess we have to change it". (yeah exactly, Idiocracy at its finest.) Oh, and you don't want to get on the bad side of any of these ex drug addicts who now have a position of authority, because they will definitely abuse their power by anyway they can like going thru your personal belongings and say it was a "random check" and then accuse you of stealing your own stuff that wasn't recorded in your personal property sheet during check in, such as an assistant resident manager named Frederick, ( and the great program director named Keith).Which brings me to the next topic of discussion... and that is the so called 'WORK THERAPY". Before entering the program, they make you agree to being able to pick at least 50 pounds and to working a 40 hour work week. Then they torture you over there too and make you do labor work under the pretense that its getting you accustomed to normal person's workday and that God and Jesus are supporting you, bla bla bla, whatever it takes to get you to work and make the company profit. Oh did I forget to mention they do pay you for the work though, a measly 7 dollars a week that you throwback to them in the vending machines stocked with cancer filling sugar boosted health choices because you're stuck inside for the first 30 days and can't step outside the property (unless of course you want to exit the program, which the door is open but also means to get discharged from the program as well.)God forbid you get sick and have to lay in bed all day. Then they make you ride the public bus and go to the ER with the risk of passing out on the street due to withdrawal of drugs and the sickness that you had that day. They tell you, you have two choices; Work therapy or the Emergency Room at the hospital.Now lets talk about the food. Everyone says they feed you well and thats the word on the street. Like I mentioned earlier, they have ex crackheads doing the labor as well as in the program to knock 2
June 2022 by Christian
I was in the salvation army in Orlando Florida from 9/24/2021 to March 3/27/2022. I graduated on March 27th 2022. I am forever grateful and thankful for that place. I moved to Jacksonville Florida from Pennsylvania for a job and while in Jacksonville Florida last July I drank and things got bad. I went back to Pennsylvania for a few weeks and decided to come back to Florida and I took a plane to Orlando Florida and got accepted into the salvation army. Orlando salvation army is a great place. Very great staff work there and the majors are the best they care about everyone's well being. It's a family there. God picked that place out for me and I am happy he did.
February 2022 by Kevin Kruluts
with the safe environment and them providing me with what I needed at the time. it gave me a chance to get out of my grave bound by the chains of addiction and restore my relationship with Jesus. After working with my sponsor and continually working the twelve steps of AA I will be celebrating three years clean and sober in May. All the glory to God ?☝️...
December 2021 by Jimmy Barber
if you're an alcoholic on attic or you need a spiritual awakening it is a very good place to set your foundation at they will help you in all the areas of your life that you need I got on my knees in Jesus led me there and I'm coming up on 18 months clean it's over and a good relationship with Jesus Christ
November 2021 by Myriam R.
Salvation Army helps others people. Love it. We make a lot donation because a trust them Thanks.
May 2021 by Angela Barber-Barilka
I went there after my dad losing his job to see if they could help pay our mortgage one month but NO they denied us because we don’t have a job. I told her my other half is on unemployment but just don’t make enough to pay every bill for the month we have. We just bought our house in January and he loses his job after working there for 22 years in March for poor performance as he is 71 years old and just got out of the hospital in December with pneumonia. But Salvation Army is supposed to be there to help people apparently not us. I would never recommend anyone go there and waste your time. Not to mention the lady that was there had the nastiest attitude.
November 2020 by Amy Welch
When I first arrived it was not by choice. Than something amazing happened, between the staff and programs I was able to find myself again. Some of staff are not longer there but will always be in my heart❤️ Take one day at a time!!!
November 2020 by Rex E.
Store closed in Kissimmee but I see a lot of clothes inside. Yelp, maps and google say it's open. Please change that! I call Orlando store during regular hours, rings then eventually they hang up on you. Not driving unless I know they are open!
September 2019 by jacob l.
How long can you stay at the shelter if you're paying your $10 a month or if you pay$300 a month I know they letting you I know people can do that is there a timeframe of how long you can stay there and then also can you receive your personal mail there
May 2019 by Peter Stockman
This place gave me the opportunity to completely change my life. They provided food, clothing and shelter in a time that I could not. Most importantly they gave me a opportunity to build a relationship with Christ. Today where I reside darkness no longer can. I overcome this world not by drugs and alcohol anymore but by the love so freely given by this program and my Savior. If you have a problem I have a solution. I have been drug free approaching 4 years. This program works!!!!