August 2023 by Powa Stone
Best empanadas in the area friendly customer service.
August 2023 by Titian Arena as
About jorie review: I was in the criolla eating a Milanese, when that woman came in asking for something , then the girl responded in a good way, then the woman left, then that woman came in opening the door in a very bad way and very quickly and strong , she spoke badly to the girl and she threw all the business cards on the floor after she got the coffee and left whit out to pickup anything. (in a bad way and with a bad attitude) she opened the door super fast with a bad attitude and left, both the girl and the other client who had to collect all the business cards from the floor... we were surprised... because the girl never treated her badly or answered her badly. (All the girls and the Criolla and the family buissines never treat anyone badly) and it is not their fault that others have a bad day and leave bad comments on their page.Congratulations to the Criolla family. Very good business, good meat for BBQ... good employees, good quality in all their products, very good coffee.
August 2023 by Antonio
They had a great selection.
August 2023 by Erynn Argarate
Unfortunately I ordered today two milanesa sandwiches two orders of French fries and a dozen empanadas , I did the order under my wife name, (american) she went to pick up the order and no body speaks English there, come on we are in eeuu besides that they forgot to give me a part of the order. Also they charged me $15.00 for a 6 pack of beer because they rang up each can separately. When I called the place they told me that they were closing if you hurry you could come now or pick it up the next day ?? I WAS SO HUNGRY I think that I don't need to explain anything else, the food was ok the customer service wasn't, could be a great place with the right people in charge!
August 2023 by Jorie
obviously the girls today can’t follow instructions Both of them. I asked for a collada for pick up I am in a RUSH with kids. and to make it WORST she puts no SUGAR in my coffee and it’s flat. unacceptable. need to improve the attitude BIG TIME TOO
March 2023 by Griselda
Always fresh, quality food
March 2023 by M Vilamoura
I came to this place because google suggested to come. I was looking for Peruvian cooking products and when I got there they only had Argentinian and Uruguayan food. :(
February 2023 by Maria Barreira
I came to this place because google suggested to come. I was looking for Peruvian cooking products and when I got there they only had Argentinian and Uruguayan food. :(
January 2023 by Victor D.
Tuve una pésima experiencia el día 5 de enero de 2023. No tiene lo precios en las gondolas de productos. Engañan a los clientes. Se aprovechan de la gente mayor con presbicia. Es una estafa. Pregunté el precio de un dulce de leche. Me respondieron que costaba $4. Lleve uno. También lleve 18 milanesas, un paquete de galletas, y dos masas. Pague $ 195.Tengo presbicia, estaba usando mis lentes para manejar, y había olvidado mis lentes de presbicia, y les avisé que confiaba en lo que ellos me cobraban, pues no lo puedo verificar. Cuando llegue a mi casa, leí el recibo y vi que me habían cobrado dos dulce de leche por un total de $15. Llamé por teléfono y reclame que me devuelvan los $ 11 cobrados de mas. El cajero Pablo me pidió disculpas y reconoció que me había dicho que costaba $4 cada uno, que por error me cobró dos, y que por error me había cobrado en total $ 11 de mas y que al día siguiente la gerente me iba a regresar los $ 11 de mas. Hoy me llamó la gerente me reintegro solo $ 7 y me dijo que no había forma de regresarme los $3 extra que me cobró por un dulce de leche que me habían dicho que tenía otro precio. Por supuesto que $3 más o $3 menos no me hace ni más rico ni mas pobre ni a mí ni a este mercado. Pero es el hecho que me digan un precio por un producto, me cobren otro precio por ese producto, que me cobren dos cuando lleve uno, que me digan que asumen un compromiso a la noche, y que deshagas el compromiso a la mañana. En resumen: No colocan los precios, dicen de palabra un precio económico, pero cobran un precio caro diferente al que te dicen de palabra. Se aprovechan de la gente mayor con presbicia. El mercado la criolla es un lugar para desconfiar.
December 2022 by williamson debe
Good place to get cake done or anything for party very professional
December 2022 by Gilberto Pulido
Fast, cozy, pretty inside of course.
August 2022 by A Diaz
Not open yet. 730 am on sunday.. oh well I'll go somewhere else** can you please update the hours on Google map please**
May 2022 by Cesar Lino
You won’t find Peruvian food products here.
February 2022 by Adam Purdy
Excellent food and friendly staff! Cafe con leche on point ☝️
January 2022 by Jorge Cabalo
Good food great service ??