This shell has decent prices as long as you use your shell rewards which is free to sign up for. This place has decent quick bites inside and the only negative is that one of the car wash stalls has been broken for Months and the it backs up the car wash ljne.
March 2022
Came in here and the slurpee machine wasn't working, again. The discount you get for being a shell reward's member is pretty good, especially nowadays with sleepy Joe blaming everything on Putin. Also, the bathrooms are somewhat clean. I'm not saying I would take a dump in one, but I'm OK taking a leak.
March 2020
Just had a chicken breaded sub it was great the only thing it took a little long for it to make. The guy said 20 mins it was for pickup. It took 30 minutes; sometimes people have places to be so that's all I go to say about that. Good sub though a must go when in North Miami Beach area.