From Lupan Mail Center - DHL Authorized Shipping Center
Shipping center for all you need : FEDEX Authorized Shipper, DHL Authorized Shipper Partner, USPS shipping only (we can ship certified mail)
FOR UPS Access Point package tracking CALL UPS only
Shipping* Packing* Color Copy/Print and Scan to e-mail Services* Postage Stamps* Package Drop-offs* Decorative Mailers* Professional Packing* Mailbox Rental* Digital Mail Box, Micro-Cut Shredding, Thermal Laminating Services, Passport Photos, Notary Public and Professional Packing and supplies.
Yes, we can ship that!
Disclaimer - Lupan Mail Center is owned and operated by small business owner and act as a contractor for FedEx, Ups, DHL and Usps .
FedEx, Ups, DHL and Usps CUSTOMER SUPPORT PLEASE CALL FedEx, Ups, DHL and Usps