March 2020 by alex murgasen
Tony sold me a very reliable and clean ls400. They worked with me every way they could and got me in a car with payments that works with my budget. I highly recommend them if your looking for a car and i wouldn't buy a car anywhere else very trust worth and honest.
March 2020 by CASEAY caperilla
Tony was amazing awesome service. Love the 0% interest.
April 2019 by Jose Gomez
Excellent place reliable cars good customer service the only buy here pay here with 0% interest and the only place that I've heard that wants you to come back whenever you have a problem with your car they have this thing called semi warranty even though the car is sold as is
January 2017 by Lena Vasquez
Put down 5 grand on a car that was 5800. Was harrassed and even almost had my car repossessed for 800. This place sucks. They dont report patments to your credit but quick to report you for non payment. My biggest issue is my down was about the total for the car, i was harrassed as if i was making minimal payments. Ill never go back or recommend anyone.